Geography is an interdisciplinary field that unites natural science, social science, the humanities, and technology to address social and environmental problems on Earth. Geographers communicate their work to a wide variety of audiences, including academics, NGOs, civil and environmental engineers, news outlets, policy makers, and the general public. Adapting to different audiences requires a geographer to be more of a generalist with his or her writing ability. However, the goal is always the same - to tell a compelling story that delivers a message to the intended audience.
This section has help for the types of writing assignments that you're likely to have as a student in geography. It also includes style guides from key associations in your field. These style guides may help you become familiar with particular conventions of your discipline.
Assignment types:
You will also need to develop strong critical reading skills to respond effectively to evidence or arguments presented in your coursework. Use these sources to hone your critical reading skills.
Style Guides
Library guide for geography - this guide provides suggestions for the best resources to use to locate trustworthy information on your topic.
The guide lists the top places to search such as:
Maps and Geovisualization
Visualizing geospatial data is critical for addressing environmental and social problems (e.g. understanding human-environment interactions, planning for natural disasters, or predicting spread of of invasive species). They are also central to telling a story in your writing. Need help with this aspect of your writing? Try these.
Or do you need more inspiration on the power of visuals? Check these out: