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Science Communication in Earth and Mineral Sciences

Guide to help identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to communicate science

Preparing Posters

poster session

Effective communication of your research is vital to the scientific community and to your career. Use this page to engage with audiences beyond your classmates and professors. 

Preparing Posters

You may attend conferences and present posters to develop opportunities for graduate school or employment. Posters summarize information concisely and attractively. These sites have useful information on how to create an effective poster.

Preparing oral presentations and lightning talks

Delivering Oral Presentations

Preparing effective oral presentations is similar to writing scientific papers: it takes time to do it well, but it is time well spent if you are able to spark interest in your work and develop engagement and understanding from your audience.

Preparing a Lightning or Flash Talk  lightning bolt

Preparing a digital story

Digital Stories Science resource gives you a step-by-step approach to create your own digital stories about your research, internship topic, or any science you want to share in an engaging format with others. Check out EMS student stories and PSU resources. Learn the power of narratives in science and practice by submitting an entry to the Celebration of Undergraduate Engagement (CUE). 

an open book with figures popping up out of the pages

Getting published

Getting Published

Looking for a journal that welcomes intellectual and reflective works by undergraduate students?

Check out the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research, or

Share your work on a worldwide scale at Penn State's ScholarSphere (a repository of presentations, posters, research papers, and more).

And, if you just want to find out more about the scholarly publishing process, read: