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Science Communication in Earth and Mineral Sciences

Guide to help identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to communicate science

General Writing Resources: Process, Principles & Critique

hand with pen writing in a notebook

Writing Process: The most effective way to go about writing any document is to include planning and revision stages--along with the actual writing stage--in your writing process. 

Writing Principles: As you write, focus on writing principles that are most responsible for the effectiveness of your document. Experienced writers refer to these as Higher Order Concerns (HOCs). They include the following: purpose, audience, content/development, organization, and proofreading/editing. 

Critique: Use this checklist to critique your work to pump up your grade. 

Online Resources for more general writing information. Bookmark these!

These sites have useful materials on general writing topics. Many of them are from university writing centers.

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For advice on grammar, try these resources:

Grammar girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for better writing

For more on writing academic essays, try these.