Readers "will enjoy discovering the early origins of their favorite sports and games, and how they have evolved into the familiar versions of today. They will also learn about many games otherwise lost to history, and find instructions on how to adapt them for modern play."
"This paper explores the prevalence of neo-medieval themes in video games and pose some potential reasons why these themes are so pervasive in modern-day, high-tech media."
Use the "Historical Period" limiter to filter your search to scholarly articles about sports & games in the Middle Ages.
Search for articles and other publications on world history from 1450 to present, (except for the United States and Canada which are indexed in the companion work, America: History and Life). The database includes articles in journals worldwide, including a selection of major social science and humanities journals. Also included are references to dissertations and books.
Offers scholarly articles about sports and some of their medieval predecessors.
SPORTDiscus is the premier source of literature for sports and sports medicine journals, providing full-text content from many well-known and respected sources. Topics covered include coaching, exercise science, fitness, health education, kinesiology, nutrition, physical education, physical therapy, and sports sciences, as well as clinical specialties such as orthopedics. The database includes research, trade, and popular materials, from scholarly journals such as the American Journal of Health Promotion to magazines like Basketball Digest and Sports Illustrated. Most date from 2000 or later. More than 600 of the periodicals covered in SPORTDiscus are available as embedded full-text within SPORTDiscus; others may be found through GETIT or requested via ILLiad.