"Those tales of old--King Arthur, Robin Hood, The Crusades, Marco Polo, Joan of Arc--have been told and retold,..here is the first comprehensive survey of over 900 cinematic depictions of the European Middle Ages--date of production, country of origin, director, production company, cast, and a synopsis and commentary."
"Imagining the Middle Ages is an unprecedented examination of the historical content of films depicting the medieval period from the 11th to the 15th centuries. Historians increasingly feel the need to weigh in on popular depictions of the past."
"Few figures have captured Hollywood's and the public's imagination as completely as have medieval heroes. Cast as chivalric knight, warrior princess, ""alpha male in tights,"" or an amalgamation; and as likely to appear in Hong Kong action flicks and spaghetti westerns as films set in the Middle Ages; the medieval hero on film serves many purposes."
Introduction to Medievalism in Film
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Knight's Tale, Robin Hood. A Google search finds multitudes of films about medieval topics. Check out some of the scholarly resources on this page to help you analyze medieval themes in cinema.
Checkmark the "Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) box to limit your search.
CMMC incorporates CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals to create a research and reference resource of unprecedented scope and depth in the communication and mass media fields.
Scholarly articles on the "nuts and bolts" of TV and film production.
Film & Television Literature Index is a comprehensive bibliographic database covering the entire spectrum of television and film writing, including theory, preservation and restoration; writing, production, cinematography; production and film and television reviews. It has been designed for use by a diverse audience including film scholars, college students, and general viewers. Publications include Film Journal International, Journal of British Cinema & Television, Film Criticism, Post Script, Variety, and more as well as technical publications such as SMPTE. Mirroring the international film & television industries and cultures, FTLI also includes publications such as Cahiers du Cinema, Filmihullu, SegnoCinema, and Kinetoscopio.
Literature database that also helps in analyzing film adaptations.
The MLA International Bibliography contains more than 1.7 million records for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.