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MGMT 365: Social Entrepreneurship

Company Information: the

Industry Information

One approach to understanding the industry environment the is operating in is to look at the student housing industry and the housing industry in State College more broadly. This may include looking at Penn State resources on on- and off-campus housing as well as national, state, and local industry reports.

State College Housing Market

Industry Reports

Potentially relevant reports include:

  • Apartment Rental in the US
  • Property Management in the US
  • Real Estate and Rental and Leasing in the US
  • Apartment Rental in Pennsylvania
  • Property Management in Pennsylvania
  • Rental vacancy rates

Search for Articles

You should also try searching for articles from local, national, and international newspapers, magazines, and academic journals. Below are some ideas to get you started. Articles can help you identify best practices; opportunities and challenges; and potential initiatives for your client and similar organizations.

Access World News is discussed above and is one place to find newspaper articles, particularly those published in local or regional publications. The databases below cover national and international newspapers, magazines, and trade journals as well as scholarly literature.

Search Tips

Using the following search tips in many of the article databases PSU Libraries provide access to will help you find relevant articles more quickly.

Combining search terms:

  • Use quotation marks (" ") to search for words in a phrase together such as "student housing"
  • Use the connector AND to find articles that contain both search terms. Ex: "entrepreneurship" AND "student housing" will return only articles that contain both of those terms
  • Use the connector OR to find articles that contain either search term. Ex: co-living OR "student housing" will return articles that contain at least one of those terms
  • Use parentheses ( ) to create more complex searches. The database will look for articles that fit the criteria within the parentheses first, then apply the rest of the search string.
    • Ex: if you enter ("student housing" OR "co-living") AND entrepreneurship, the search function will first look for any article that contains at least one of the terms "student housing" or "co-living", then look for the term entrepreneurship within those results only

Recommended types of sources/publications:

  • In databases like ABI/INFORM and Business Source Premier, there's an option to narrow your results to specified types of publications or sources
  • Recommended source types include:
    • Magazines/periodicals - written for the general public. In business, these will include publications like ForbesFortune, and BusinessWeek
    • Newspapers - written for the general public. Includes publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times
    • Trade journals/publications - written for an industry-associated audience
    • Scholarly/academic journals - written for a scholarly audience, usually by academic researchers at universities, government agencies, and other organizations engaged in research

Other tips:

  • Limit your results to articles from the past 3-5 years
  • If you find an article you're interested in, look for the Subject or Keywords section in the article details to find additional terms to use in searches

Background Resources for Marketing

The following resources, alongside the resources listed above may be helpful in crafting messages that will resonate with the communities you recommend your client target.