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Children's Literature and Literacy Education

Links to databases and resources for award-winning and popular children's/young adult literature. Also helpful for authors studies, language arts, literacy, literary criticism, reading, and related topics.

Quick Links to Award-Winning Books at Penn State

Want to find award-winners fast? Below are links to Penn State's holdings for various awards. After clicking on a link, use the options on the left side of the results page to narrow the list by campus, publication date, and other criteria.

National, General-Purpose Awards Lists:

Pennsylvania Awards:

Awards for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

  •Coretta Scott King (African American) Author and Illustrator Award Winner and Honor Books, and John Steptoe Award for New Talent, sponsored by the Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table of the American Library Association

Finding Children's Literature at Penn State

Many Penn State libraries have children's and young adult literature, sometimes called "Juvenile Literature." Age/grade levels, genres, and other focuses of these collections vary depending on each campus's needs. Below are resources for finding them:

Instructions for searching children's/YA materials within Penn State University Libraries:

  • Use the Penn State University Libraries Catalog to find materials in our collections.
  • In the "Keyword" box, type in your topic, such as "cows" or "rockets," and click on the blue "search" button.
  • After your results appear, look to the left side of the page, under "Refine search results." 
  • Under "Format," choose "Juvenile Book."
  • If applicable, use the "Campus," "Genre," "Publication Year," and other facets to narrow your search. Your results list will update automatically.
  • Click on the blue "View Availability" button for more details about the book's location. Alternatively, click on the book's title to get more bibliographic and location details. 
  • Note the "Call number" and "Location" of each item you want.
  • To order an item from another location, click on the blue "I Want It" button.

Juvenile materials are organized by varying methods depending on the location. Before visiting, contact the owning library to learn about opening hours, borrowing rules, etc. 

Additional Sources of Children's/Young Adult Literature