data.path Ryoji.Ikeda - 4 by r2hox via Flickr
The Research Data Management Team is ready to consult with you on your questions about research data, including compliance with funding agency mandates. Contact us!
Contact Form: Research Informatics and Publishing Contact Form
In February 2013 the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a call to federal agencies with budgets in excess of $100 million to provide plans for public access to research results from projects funded by them.
By fall 2015, most, if not all, federal agencies falling under this requirement had issued their public access plans.
At left is a list of the agencies and departments that responded to the OSTP mandate. The pages in this guide highlight the basics of the policies for each funding agency. We also link to each of these funding agencies' plans.
Below are additional resources providing more details about these plans, as well as contact information to request assistance and guidance.
We strongly encourage researchers to contact the Libraries with questions about these requirements, especially if you are proposing for grant funding from any of them. The Research Data Management Team is here to help! Email us: