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Census: Microfilm Collections & Services

This guide focuses on locating people in the census microfilm reels.

1920 Census

Objective: To locate a specific person who lived in Pennsylvania in 1920.  In this example we are tracking Elizabeth Kelly, who lived in Pennsylvania and should have been counted during the Federal Population Census for Pennsylvania in 1920 Census.  We want to confirm this information and determine any other information about her family collected by the census enumerator in 1920. 

1920 Census: Pennsylvania reel listing located at bottom of guide.

The Internet can be a valuable tool to aid in your Census search.  There are many sites that provide information.  Census Online contains over 44,000 links to US census records, census calculators, and census forms from 1790-1930.  A blank 1920 US Census form is located at the end of this document. The microfilm information and the internet information can be used together to complete a search for an individual.  Links to Internet sources have been inserted throughout this document that complement and, in some cases, replace the print indexes or the census microfilm.  Please note that the microfilm constitutes the primary source and should be consulted for errors in transcription.

Please ASK the staff at  Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno Desk at any time for additional help or clarification about how to locate the sources or information.

In indexing the 1920 census, the Soundex Code was used.  The Soundex Code is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by the way they sound instead of the way they are spelled.  Soundex can help find a surname in the census documents even though it may have been recorded under various spellings.  For example, Smith, Smithe, and Smyth all have the same Soundex Code of S-530.

Step 1:  Begin by finding the Soundex Code for the name of the person you are trying to locate.    Visit  Soundex Converter Calculator [Ancestor Search] to identify the Soundex Code.  For information about how Soundex codes are calculated, see the National Archives, "The Soundex Indexing System."

Soundex Codes are also available in the book titled, Federal Population Censuses. 1790-1890 (call number HA37.U548 F44 1976) in the Indexes and Guides Section of Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno, and follow the instructions on page 90.

Both the print index and Eastman’s site provide the Soundex Code (K-400) for Elizabeth Kelly.

Step 2:  Determine which microfilm reel contains the Soundex Index for the person you are researching.  In Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno, the microfilm reels for the Index (Soundex) to the 14th census, 1920: PA is located at HA216.P4 1920 (Reels 1-716.)  The Soundex Code is listed on the outside of the reel boxes.  In many instances, there will be more than one reel for a specific Soundex Code.  In these cases, you will find the Soundex Code with a range of first names listed.  (Reel 325 contains the Soundex Index for K400 Edwin thru K400 Lynn)      

Alternatively, a list of the Soundex Index for Pennsylvania in 1920 can be accessed online at the National Archives. Scrolling through the list will indicate: 325. K400 Edwin – K400 Lynn

You will need to use a microfilm reader/printer/scanner in  Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno, to locate and read the Soundex Index forElizabeth Kelly.  Please ASK the staff at the Reference Desk for help if you are unfamiliar with the machines. You can also view the PA Soundex online at Internet Archive.

Step 3:  Locate the person you are researching in the Soundex Index.  For our example, scroll through roll 325 until you get to the section beginning with the letter E.  Continue through the cards until you get to Kelly, Elizabeth.  There may be more than one person with the same name, at which point you will need to review the information presented until you confirm that you have the person that you are looking for.  For our example, Elizabeth Kelly, was a 49 year old female who lived in Allegheny County.  See example 1.

Example 1:  The Index (soundex) for Elizabeth Kelly.

From the Soundex Index we know the following:  Elizabeth Kelly was a 49 year old white female.  She was born in New Jersey and she lived in Allegheny County.  She lived with:  Frank Girald (her father) who was 74 years old and born in France; Edward Kelly (her son) who was 16 years old and born in Pennsylvania; and, Hellen Kelly (her daughter) who was 14 years old and born in Pennsylvania. 

With the additional information from the Soundex Index, visit US GenWeb Census Project to determine if any census information is recorded online for Elizabeth Kelly.  This is an ongoing project with new data continuously being added [Note:  for this example, as of 5/14/08, the census records for 1920 for Allegheny County are only partially completed.  Elizabeth Kelly was not listed in the index, so it was necessary to use the Census data available on Microfilm.]

Step 4:  In cases where the complete Census information is not available online, the original ledger entry can be viewed through the microfilm at  Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno.  To do this, be sure to write down the following information from the index:

  • Head of Family: Kelly, Elizabeth
  • County: Allegheny  
  • Volume: 39
  • E.D. (Enumeration District): 699
  • Sheet (page number: 1
  • Line: 42

If you need any help locating the microfilm in Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno, microfilm cabinets, please ASK the staff at the Reference Desk.

Step 5:  Locate the 1920 Census: Pennsylvania on microfilm in t Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno in the microfilm cabinets under the call numberHA217.U5P4 1920 (reels 1507-1669).

The reels are arranged by call number in alphabetical order by county.  Many counties take up more than one roll of microfilm, in these cases, it is necessary to have the E.D. (Enumeration District) information so you can determine which roll has the person you are researching. 

Reel #1526 is labeled Allegheny County, Pittsburgh City, (ED 687-699, 714-740, 814.)  The National Archives lists the contents, including enumeration district, for the 1920 Federal Population Census Microfilm Reels.

This information has also been transcribed into a chart at the end of this document.

At this point you will need to use a microfilm reader/printer/scanner machine in  Microforms & Government Information, 2nd floor Paterno, to locate and read the entry for Elizabeth Kelly. Please ASK the staff at the Reference Desk for help if you are unfamiliar with the machines.

Step 6: Now, using our example, Elizabeth Kelly, you will need to find Allegheny County, and then scroll through to Enumeration District 699.  Elizabeth Kelly is listed on page 1, line 42.  See example 2.

Example 2:  Showing the enumeration district and page number.

Then, you will need to locate Elizabeth Kelly’s name on the ledger page. 

Names of individuals are not in alphabetical order on the ledger page. However, the index noted that Elizabeth Kelly would be listed on line 42.  Read the page carefully to locate Elizabeth Kelly’s name.  The 19th Century script and the microfilm quality can sometimes present interesting challenges for the researcher!

Example 3: Showing Elizabeth Kelly’s information on the original ledger page. 

Step 7:  Review the information collection for Elizabeth Kelly in the 1920 census.  See example 3.  A blank 1920 census form can be viewed and printed to assist your collection of data from the microfilm.


In 1920, the following 29 columns of information were collected:

  1. Street, avenue, road, etc.
  2. House number or farm
  3. Dwelling Number
  4. Number of family, in order of visitation
  5. Name of each person whose place of abode on January1, 1920, was in this family
  6. Relationship of this person to the head of the family.
  7. Home owned or rented
  8. If owned, free or mortgaged
  9. Sex
  10. Color or Race
  11. Age at last birthday
  12. Single, married, widowed, divorced
  13. Year of immigration to the United States
  14. Naturalized or alien
  15. If naturalized, year of naturalization
  16. Attended school anytime since Sept. 1, 1919
  17. Able to read
  18. Able to write
  19. Place of birth of person
  20. Mother Tongue of person
  21. Place of birth of Father
  22. Mother Tongue of Father
  23. Place of birth of Mother
  24. Mother Tongue of Mother
  25. Able to speak English
  26. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done.
  27. Industry, business, or establishment in which at work.
  28. Employer, salary or wage worker, or working on own account
  29. No. of farm schedule

Referencing the original ledger page we now get additional information including the following:  All of the people in this household were able to read, write, and speak English.  Frank Girald immigrated to the US in 1874 and became a citizen in 1880.  Elizabeth was a housekeeper at home, Frank was a laborer in the city, Edward was a salesman, and Helen had attended school sometime since 9-1-1919.  We also know that Elizabeth’s father was born in France, and her mother in Germany.  Frank’s parents were born in France.  Edward’s parents were born in New Jersey.  Helen’s mother was born in New Jersey and her father was born in Ireland.

1920 Census: Pennsylvania (Reels 1507-1669)

Reels 1507 - 1669
Reel No. Names of Counties (Pennsylvania) Note

Reel 1507

Adams, Armstrong

Adams County EDs 1-32

Armstrong County EDs 1-14

Reel 1508


EDs 15-30, 33, 34, 31, 32, and 35-54

Reel 1509


EDs 1-6, 8, 10, 7, 9, 11, 19, 20, 888, 257, 887, 17-18, 41, 876, 42-43, 12-16, 23-40

Reel 1510


EDs 21-22, 45-56, 44, 877, 57, 58, 878, 60, 61, 63, 879, 64, 82, 65-68, 900, 69-72

Reel 1511


EDs 62, 73-77, 880-883, 89, 884, 90-91, 88, 92-94, 78-81, 83-87, 95, 885-886, 96-97

Reel 1512


EDs 98-115, 129, 901, 130, 131

Reel 1513


EDs 155-173, 242, 250-255, 132-147, 149-154

Reel 1514


EDs 174-176, 183, 177-179, 184-186, 180-182, 243-249, 187-212

Reel 1515


EDs 213-241, 256, 267, 258-266, 268-282

Reel 1516


EDs 283-317, 759-763, 768-771, 892

Reel 1517

Pittsburgh City

EDs 318, 320-329, 468-484, 435-450

Reel 1518

Pittsburgh City

EDs 330-343, 404, 406-423, 485-494, 889, and 495-498

Reel 1519

Pittsburgh City

EDs 344-380

Reel 1520

Pittsburgh City

EDs 381-403, 424-434, 451-460

Reel 1521

Pittsburgh City

EDs 461-467, 602, 604-615, 499-518

Reel 1522

Pittsburgh City

EDs 519-549, 899, 550, 616-618

Reel 1523

Pittsburgh City

EDs 619, 620, 603, 621, 622, 890, 623-630, 891, 631-634, 551-566

Reel 1524

Pittsburgh City

EDs 567-582, 670-683, 700-713

Reel 1525

Pittsburgh City

EDs 583-601, 635-652, 684-686

Reel 1526

Pittsburgh City

EDs 687-699, 714-740, 814

Reel 1527

Pittsburgh City

EDs 653-669, 741-758

Reel 1528


EDs 319, 764-767, 772-788, 792, 793, 789-791, 794-806, 813, 815, 837, 893-895

Reel 1529


EDs 807-812, 816-820, 834-836, 896, 821-833, 838-842, 852

Reel 1530


EDs 843-847, 849-851, 853-856, 871-874, 897-898, 848, 857-870, 875

Reel 1531


EDs 1-12, 24-27, 35, 43, 44, 246, 13-23, 28-34, 36, 37

Reel 1532


EDs 38-42, 45-52, 61-63, 68-70, 239, 248, 53-60, 64-67, 71-73

Reel 1533

Bedford, Carbon

Bedford County EDs 1-36

Carbon County EDs 1-9

Reel 1534


EDs 10-27, 34, 36, 28-33, 35, 37, 43

Reel 1535


EDs 1-20, 22, 23, 21, 24-27, 29-42, 44, 45

Reel 1536


EDs 43, 46-51, 132-148, 52-63, 67-72

Reel 1537

Reading City

EDs 65, 66, 73-111, 127-130

Reel 1538

Reading City, Blair

Reading City EDs 112-126, 131, 28, and 149-152

Blair County EDs 38-46, 51-54, 59-64

Reel 1539


EDs 47-50, 55-58, 65-71, 74-76, 72, 73, 77-80, 37, 81-85, 111, 86-89, 91

Reel 1540


EDs 90, 92-101, 112-116, 125-127, 102-110, 117-124

Reel 1541


EDs 1-29, 34-38, 30-33, and 39-58

Reel 1542


EDs 1-17, 23, 24, 18-22, 25-42

Reel 1543

Bucks, Butler

Bucks County EDs 43-65

Butler County EDs 1-3, 6-25

Reel 1544


EDs 4, 5, 6-67

Reel 1545


EDs 128-130, 207, 131-139, 141-146, 148, 147, 149-162, 164

Reel 1546


EDs 163, 232, 165-166, 140, 167, 206, 208-216, 168-185

Reel 1547


EDs 186-205, 217-221, 223, 224

Reel 1548

Cambria, Cameron, Centre

Cambria County EDs 222, 225-231, and 233-243

Cameron County

Centre County EDs 8-26, 149

Reel 1549

Centre, Chester

Centre County EDs 27-45

Chester County EDs 1-28, 32

Reel 1550


EDs 29-31, 33-52, 55, 53, 54, 56-82

Reel 1551

Chester, Clarion

Chester County EDs 216 and 83-110

Clarion County EDs 55-60, 82, 61-77

Reel 1552

Clarion, Clearfield

Clarion County EDs 78-81, 83, and 84

Clearfield County EDs 47-54, 109, 110, 55-75, 85

Reel 1553


EDs 76-84, 86, 46, 87-96, 104, 105, 97-103, 106-108, 111-113

Reel 1554

Clinton, Columbia

Clinton County EDs 1-22, 27, and 23-26

Columbia County EDs 1-10, 17-22

Reel 1555

Columbia, Crawford

Columbia County EDs 11-16 and 23-46

Crawford County EDs 1-23, 33-42

Reel 1556

Crawford, Cumberland

Crawford County EDs 24-32 and 43-58

Cumberland EDs 1-9, 34, 28, 10-21

Reel 1557

Cumberland, Dauphin

Cumberland County EDs 22-27, 29-33, 35-46

Dauphin County EDs 47-56, 111-116, 118-120

Reel 1558


EDs 57-59, 65-67, 75-87, 110, 60-64, 71-74, 88-92, 202, 93-96

Reel 1559


EDs 68-70, 97-109, 117, 121-130, 142, 143, 200, 147-148

Reel 1560

Dauphin, Delaware

Dauphin County EDs 131-141, 145, 146, 149-153

Delaware County EDs 111-115, 151-154, 217, 155-161, 165

Reel 1561


EDs 116-149

Reel 1562


EDs 162-164, 166-171, 218, 173-196, 199

Reel 1563

Delaware, Elk

Delaware County EDs 197, 198, 200-205, 172, 206-215

Elk County EDs 1-17

Reel 1564

Elk, Huntingdon

Elk County EDs 18-233

Huntingdon County EDs 60-94

Reel 1565


EDs 59-62, 67, 68, 76-83, 69, 149, 70-75, 93-99

Reel 1566


EDs 84-92 and 100-114

Reel 1567


EDs 63-66, 115-127, 133-135, 128-132, 136-148

Reel 1568


EDs 1-35, 48, 49

Reel 1569


EDs 36-47, 50, 51-61, 70, 75, 80, 81

Reel 1570


EDs 62-69, 71-74, 209, 82-86, 76-79, 87-94

Reel 1571

Fayette, Forest, Franklin

Fayette County EDs 95-117

Forest County EDs 24-31

Franklin County EDs 1-12, 15

Reel 1572

Franklin, Fulton

Franklin County EDs 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 20-34, 190, 37, 38, 35, 36, 191, 39-48

Fulton County EDs 1-12 and 15

Reel 1573

Greene, Indiana

Greene County EDs 118-152

Indiana County EDs 85-98, 101-103, 107

Reel 1574


EDs 99, 100, 104-106, 108, 109, 112-119, 110, 111, 120-135

Reel 1575


EDs 136-151, 153, 152, 154-170

Reel 1576

Jefferson, Juniata, Lackawanna

Jefferson County EDs 171-180

Juniata County EDs 95-108

Lackawanna County EDs 209, 1-6, 8-10, 31-38

Reel 1577


EDs 7, 11-30, 53, 39-52, 54-60

Reel 1578

Lackawanna, Scranton City

Lackawanna County EDs 61-73 and 86-92

Scranton City EDs 74-85, 93, 94, 121-126

Reel 1579

Scranton City

EDs 95-102, 114-120, 127-131, 103-113, 132-134, 137, 220, 138, 217-218, 139-140

Reel 1580

Scranton City

EDs 135, 136, 141-153, 169-175, 154-158, 216, 159-166, 188-193

Reel 1581

Scranton City

EDs 167, 168, 176-177, 219, 178-187, 194-208, 210-214

Reel 1582


EDs 1-33 and 36-46

Reel 1583


EDs 34, 35, 47-50, 85-91, 93, 94, 98-103, 51-67

Reel 1584


EDs 68-84, 92, 95-97, 104-122

Reel 1585

Lancaster, Lawrence

Lancaster County EDs 123-147

Lawrence County EDs 242, 76-81, 86, 92, 100-102

Reel 1586


EDs 93-99, 103-111, 82-85, 245, 112, 74, 75, 113-126

Reel 1587


EDs 154-160, 167-178, 161-166, 179-196, 201, 197-199

Reel 1588


EDs 154-160, 165-169, 161, 162, 170-175, 183-188

Reel 1589


EDs 163, 164, 176-182, 189-193, 153, 203-208, 211-214, 220, 194-202

Reel 1590


EDs 209, 210, 215-219, 221-229, 233-235, 230-232, 236-250

Reel 1591


EDs 1-27, 33-43

Reel 1592


EDs 28-32, 44-69, 95-97

Reel 1593


EDs 70-94, 98-109

Reel 1594


EDs 110-116, 118-121, 140-145, 117, 122-137

Reel 1595


EDs 138, 139, 146-173, 189-194

Reel 1596


EDs 174-188, 195, 196, 199-203, 197, 198, 204-216, 275, 276

Reel 1597


EDs 217-232, 234, 235, 239-241, 233, 236-238, 242-244, 249-259

Reel 1598

Luzerne, Lycoming

Luzerne County EDs 245, 260, 272-274, 246-248, 261-271

Lycoming County EDs 28-57

Reel 1599


EDs 58-106

Reel 1600

McKean, Mifflin

McKean County Ds 114-123, 128, 139-140, 124-125, 127, 126, 135-137, 147, 129-130, 142, 148, 131-134, 138, 141, 145, 143-144, 146

Mifflin County EDs 109-111, 114

Reel 1601

Mifflin, Mercer

Mifflin County EDs 112, 113, and 115-131

Mercer County EDs 32-34, 36, 35, 67, 68, 42-44, 62, 61, 63-65, 94, 66, 69-71, 75-77, 89, 96, 92, 93, 95, 90, 91

Reel 1602


EDs 57-60, 78-86, 37-41, 87, 88, 73, 51-54, 74

Reel 1603

Mercer, Montour, Monroe

Mercer County EDs 55, 56, 45-50, and 97-101

Montour County EDs 47-60

Monroe County EDs 44-66

Reel 1604



EDs 66-68, 100, 101, 74-78, 88, 90, 131-151

Reel 1605


EDs 91, 92, 174, 175, 93, 97, 94, 96, 102-104, 181, 152, 153, 107, 69, 70, 179, 180, 95, 128, 99, 105, 106, 169-171, 124, 125, 187, 188, 79, 126, 127, 172, 173, 176-178, 182, 89, 154, 160

Reel 1606


EDs 108-121, 129, 183, 184, 71-73, 189, 190, 156, 80-87, 191-193, 130, 155

Reel 1607

Montgomery, Northampton

Montgomery County EDs 122, 98, 185, 123, 157-167, 186, 194, 195

Northampton County EDs 67, 143-148, 150, 102, 105, 72, 127, 151, 160, 130, 134-136

Reel 1608


EDs 101, 73-80, 82-100, 128, 137-139, 131, 149, 103, 104

Reel 1609


EDs 155, 156, 152-154, 169, 161, 162, 106, 157-159, 68-71, 163, 140-142, 132, 133, 164, 166, 167, 129, 107-117, 121

Reel 1610

Northampton, Northumberland

Northampton County EDs 118-120, 122-126, 168, 81, and 165

Northumberland County EDs 61-74, 143, 144, 75, 76, 78, 79, 84

Reel 1611


EDs 77, 80-83, 115-128, 85-88, 111, 108-110, 114, 140, 130-132, 161, 133-138, 141, 142

Reel 1612

Northumberland, Tiogo (Tioga)

Northumberland County EDs 105-107, 89, 96-104, 112, 113, 129, 139, 90-95, 145-147

Tiogo (Tioga) County EDs 135-143, 153, 160, 152

Reel 1613

Tioga, Perry

Tioga County EDs 144, 145, 169, 170, 146-151, 154, 173, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161, 157, 162-168, 171, 172

Perry County EDs 132-154

Reel 1614

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1-42, 44-48

Reel 1615

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 49-92, 94-100, 189-195

Reel 1616

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 101-119, 135-141, 442-471

Reel 1617

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 472-530

Reel 1618

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 120-134, 333-348, 142-171

Reel 1619

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 172-188, 230-243, 196-213, 215, 216, 218-229

Reel 1620

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 244-284, 349-366

Reel 1621

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 285-332, 390-395, 1838

Reel 1622

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 396-441, 531-538

Reel 1623

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 539-597, 1837, 598-601

Reel 1624

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 602-607, 609-637, 367-389, 1839-1845

Reel 1625

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 638-661, 1846, 662-681, 1099-1109

Reel 1626

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1110-1154

Reel 1627

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 682-737

Reel 1628

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 738-746, 1445, 747-792

Reel 1629

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 793-850

Reel 1630

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 851-858, 1155-1200

Reel 1631

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1201-1213, 1847, 1214-1224, 859-884

Reel 1632

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 885-942

Reel 1633

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 943-971, 1051-1070

Reel 1634

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1071-1098, 972-998

Reel 1635

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 999-1050, 1317-1337

Reel 1636

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1338-1368, 214, 1369-1380

Reel 1637

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1225-1244, 1685-1692, 1694-1723

Reel 1638

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1245-1291, 1293

Reel 1639

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1294-1316, 1381-1394

Reel 1640

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1395-1444

Reel 1641

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1447-1498

Reel 1642

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1499-1549

Reel 1643

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1550-1582, 1584-1589

Reel 1644

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1590-1635

Reel 1645

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1636-1684, 1782-1787

Reel 1646

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1788-1808, 1725-1742

Reel 1647

Philadelphia County and City

EDs 1743-1779, 1446, 1780, 1781

Reel 1648

Philadelphia County and City, Potter

Philadelphia Co. and City

 EDs 1809-1836

Reel 1649


EDs 1-17, 22-24, 18-21, 25-35, 40, 41

Reel 1650


EDs 36-39, 42-48, 65-72, 49-64, 73, 74, 76

Reel 1651


EDs 75, 77-84, 103-113, 84-102, 114-117

Reel 1652


EDs 118-135, 151, 155, 156, 136-150, 152-154

Reel 1653

Snyder, Sullivan, Somerset

Snyder County EDs 152-172

Sullivan County EDs 148-160, 162

Somerset County EDs 154, 153, 155-165, 169-171

Reel 1654


EDs 166-168, 172-189, 193, 201, 191, 192, 194-200, 190, 202-208

Reel 1655

Susquehanna, Union

Susquehanna County EDs 59-63, 86, 64-72, 143, 76, 78, 74, 76, 75, 77-79, 84, 80-83, 85, 87-89, 142, 93-95, 90-92

Union County EDs 173-189

Reel 1656


EDs 102-104, 106-108, 124-135, 105, 108-110, 139, 111-123, 142

Reel 1657

Venango, Warren

Venango County EDs 136-138, 140-141, and 143-145

Warren County EDs 146-147, 183, 148-149, 161, 150, 153, 154, 172, 173,

155, 157, 159-160, 162-165, 169, 151-152, 158, 166, 174-182, 167-168, 170-171, 156

Reel 1658


EDs 127-128, 172-174, 129, 147, 237-238, 130, 216, 163, 178, 131, 164, 132, 213-215, 249, 133, 161-162, 134, 235, 175, 182, 185

Reel 1659


EDs 139, 140, 220, 244, 221-226, 247, 227-232, 205, 141, 142, 165-170, 204, 193-195, 197, 198, 196, 197, 198, 199

Reel 1660


EDs 143-146, 135, 240, 136-138, 155-159, 184, 206-207, 171, 177, 243, 241, 212, 179, 148-154, 203, 233, 234, 160, 186

Reel 1661

Washington, Wayne

Washington County EDs 180, 181, 183, 200-202, 208-211, 192, 187, 188, 217-219, 176, 190, 191, 189, 236

Wayne County EDs 96-123

Reel 1662


EDs 68, 69, 97, 125, 229-235, 72, 73, 89, 90, 143-145, 142, 76, 242, 80, 241, 81-88, 77-79, 134-141

Reel 1663


EDs 219-227, 238, 99-101, 98, 178-181, 200, 171, 91-96, 158-170

Reel 1664


EDs 201-204, 191, 192, 243, 193, 194, 190, 128-133, 149, 183-187, 126, 127, 218, 74, 75, 147, 205-208, 240, 209, 217

Reel 1665


EDs 115-124, 71, 148, 211, 212, 239, 102-114, 213-216, 210, 236, 237

Reel 1666


EDs 146, 70, 172-177, 188, 189, 182, 195-199, 150-157

Reel 1667

Wyoming, York

Wyoming County EDs 124-141

York County EDs 33, 44, 34-41, 45-47, 74, 49, 50, 68, 69, 55, 149, 51-53, 63-65, 56, 115, 116, 66, 104, 67, 99, 70-73, 48, 150, 78

Reel 1668


EDs 75, 76, 84, 77, 80, 81, 102, 103, 82, 83, 86, 87, 43, 88-90, 57-62, 85, 91, 92, 54, 79, 96, 107-109, 111, 110, 113, 114, 93-95, 112, 147, 148, 42, 117

Reel 1669


EDs 100, 101, 105, 106, 97, 98, 118-123, 126-130, 138-140, 124, 125, 131-137, 141-146