Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture by Bradley Cantrell; Wes MichaelsCombine traditional techniques with modern media for morecommunicative renderings Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture: ContemporaryTechniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Design,Second Edition bridges the gap between traditional analog andnew digital tools by applying timeless concepts of representationto enhance design work in digital media. The book explores specifictechniques for creating landscape designs, including digitallyrendered plans, perspectives, and diagrams, and the updated secondedition offers expanded coverage of newer concepts and techniques.Readers will gain insight into the roles of different drawings,with a clear emphasis on presenting a solid understanding of howdiagram, plan, section, elevation, and perspective work together topresent a comprehensive design approach. Digital rendering is faster, more efficient, and more flexiblethan traditional rendering techniques, but the design principlesand elements involved are still grounded in hand-renderingtechniques. Digital Drawing for Landscape Architectureexploits both modalities to help designers create more beautiful,accurate, and communicative drawings in a professional studioenvironment. This second edition contains revised information onplan rendering techniques, camera matching workflow, and colorselection, along with brand new features, like: Time-based imagery and tools Workflow integration techniques Photoshop and Illustrator task automation Over 400 updated images, plus over 50 new examples ofaward-winning work The book takes a tutorial-based approach to digital rendering,allowing readers to start practicing immediately and get up tospeed quickly. Communication is a vital, but often overlookedcomponent of the design process, and designers rely upon theirdrawings to translate concepts from idea to plan. DigitalDrawing for Landscape Architecture provides the guidancelandscape designers need to create their most communicativerenderings yet.
Publication Date: 2014
Drawing for Urban Design by Lorraine FarrellyDrawing for Urban Design explores a wide range of ways to represent the city, from freehand sketching to sophisticated computer models. Architects and urban planners need to describecities in the course of their work, be it through maps, diagrams, sketches, computer renderings, or models. This book provides an introduction to these techniques while explaining the processes associated with describing and designing urban environments--it is an invaluable visual handbook for representing the contemporary city.
Publication Date: 2011
Drawing the Landscape by Chip SullivanThis elegant Fourth Edition of Chip Sullivan's classic Drawing the Landscape shows how to use drawing as a path towards understanding the natural and built environment. It offers guidance for tapping into and exploring personal creative potential and helps readers master the essential principles, tools, and techniques required to prepare professional graphic representations in landscape architecture and architecture. It illustrates how to create a wide range of graphic representations using step-by-step tutorials, exercises and hundreds of samples.
Publication Date: 2013
Landscape Graphics by Grant ReidAnnouncing the new revised edition of the classic industry reference! Landscape Graphics is the architect’s ultimate guide to all the basic graphics techniques used in landscape design and landscape architecture. Progressing from the basics into more sophisticated techniques, this guide offers clear instruction on graphic language and the design process, the basics of drafting, lettering, freehand drawing and conceptual diagramming, perspective drawing, section elevations, and more. It also features carefully sequenced exercises, a complete file of graphic symbols for sections and perspectives, and a handy appendix of conversions and equivalents.
Publication Date: 2013
Representing Landscapes by Nadia Amoroso (Editor)What do you communicate when you draw an industrial landscape using charcoal; what about a hyper-realistic PhotoShop collage method? What are the right choices to make? Are there right and wrong choices when it comes to presenting a particular environment in a particular way? The choice of medium for visualising an idea is something that faces all students of landscape architecture and urban design, and each medium and style option that you select will influence how your idea is seen and understood. Responding to demand from her students, Nadia Amoroso has compiled successful and eye-catching drawings using various drawing styles and techniques to create this book of drawing techniques for landscape architects to follow and - more importantly - to be inspired by. More than twenty respected institutions have helped to bring together the very best of visual representation of ideas, the most powerful, expressive and successful images. Professors from these institutions provide critical and descriptive commentaries, explaining the impact of using different media to represent the same landscape. This book is recommended for landscape architecture and urban design students from first year to thesis and is specifically useful in visual communications and graphic courses and design studios.
Publication Date: 2012
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Composing Landscapes by Clemens Steenbergen; Sabine Meeks (Contribution by); Steffen Nijhuis (Contribution by)In landscape-architectural design, a study of the site is naturally a crucially important design step. How can the preexisting layers, traces, and elements be broken down and made fruitful for the recomposition of the landscape? This book presents an extensive typology of possible approaches to working with the site. With more than three hundred landscape designs from every time and place, it systematically presents the methods that underpin the processes involved in composing landscapes (e.g., reduction, decomposition, fragmentation, montage, and collage). Topics range from architectonic details to gardens all the way to cityscapes and cultivated areas, including New York's Central Park, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italian gardens, and the Seine landscapes in Paris. An appendix containing several extensive indices, including an index of landscape-architectural terms, rounds out the usefulness of the book as a sound and solid manual of design. Clemens Steenbergen, author of the successful book Architecture and Landscape, is a professor at the renowned TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) and one of the most experienced teachers in the world in the field of landscape-architectural design. Für das landschaftsarchitektonische Entwerfen ist die Untersuchung des Ortes naturgemäß ein zentraler Arbeitsschritt. Auf welche Weise können die vorgefundenen Schichten, Spuren, Elemente für die neue Komposition der Landschaft aufgeschlüsselt und fruchtbar gemacht werden? Das Buch stellt eine umfangreiche Typologie der Vorgehensweisen bei der Arbeit mit dem Ort zur Verfügung. Es zeigt anhand von mehr als 300 Landschaftsgestaltungen aus allen Zeiten und Ländern systematisch die Methoden, die landschaftlichen Kompositionsprozessen zugrunde liegen (z.B. Reduktion, Dekomposition, Fragmentierung, Montage, Collage). Die Themen reichen vom architektonischen Detail über Gärten bis hin zu Stadt- und Kulturlandschaften, darunter der New Yorker Central Park, italienische Gartenanlagen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts oder die Seinelandschaften in Paris. Ein Anhang mit mehreren umfangreichen Registern u.a. zu landschaftsarchitektonischen Begriffen rundet den Nutzen des Buches als fundiertes Entwurfshandbuch ab. Clemens Steenbergen, Autor des erfolgreichen Titels ,,Architecture and Landscape", ist Professor an der renommierten TU Delft und einer der weltweit erfahrensten Lehrer auf dem Gebiet des landschaftsarchitektonischen Entwurfs.
Hybrid Drawing Techniques by Gilbert GorskiHybrid Drawing Techniques: Design Process and Presentation reaffirms the value of traditional hand drawing in the design process by demonstrating how to integrate it with digital techniques; enhancing and streamlining the investigative process while at the same time yielding superior presentation images. This book is a foundations guide to both approaches: sketching, hardline drawing, perspective drawing, digital applications, and Adobe Photoshop; providing step-by-step demonstrations and examples from a variety of professional and student work for using and combining traditional and digital tools. Also included are sections addressing strategies for using color, composition and light to further enhance one's drawings. An eResource offers copyright free images for download that includes: tonal patterns, watercolor fields, people, trees, and skies.
Publication Date: 2015
Plan Graphics for the Landscape Designer by Tony Bertauski"Plan Graphics for the Landscape Designer, Second Edition" takes readers step-by-step through the design graphics process. Written at an accessible level, readers will learn basic drafting tools, lettering and drawing techniques; commonly used textures and symbols; how to read plan graphics; how to develop effective designs; and how to assemble professional portfolios. This edition is filled with new sample drawings, updated photographs and descriptive design illustrations and visuals that make techniques easy to follow and easy to understand. The revision maintains the text's presentation focus and provides helpful tip boxes to teach readers how to draw an effective design. Sufficiently addresses landscape design drafting at an easy to follow level. Introduces basic drafting tools, lettering and drawing techniques, and then describes commonly used textures and symbols and how to create them. Shows readers how to put together the plan, (starting with the plat, sale and title block), how to properly label symbols, and how to develop a plant list. Enhances the reader's ability to communicate ideas more clearly to their clients. An excellent resource for anyone from home gardeners to aspiring landscape designers.
Representing Landscape Architecture by Marc Treib (Editor)Representing Landscape Architecture offers a broad investigation of how the designed landscape is and has been represented: for design study, for criticism and even for its realization. It has been said that we can only realize what we can imagine. But in order to realize we must convey ideas to others as well as to ourselves. Representation is by no means neutral and the process of communication, the process by which the imagination takes its first form, itself necessarily limits the range of our design possibilities. Computers further remove from cognitive processes and raise new questions about methods and limits. Written by a team of renowned practitioners and academics, this book is the best available reference to date on the many dimensions of landscape representation.
ISBN: 9780415700429
Publication Date: 2008
Visualizing Landscape Architecture by Elke Mertens"We don't sell gardens; we sell images of gardens." This observation on the part of a landscape architect makes it clear just how important it is that a design be effectively communicated to the community, clients, and the public. Drawings, models, simulations, and films communicate the designers' proposed ideas and solutions, but they also convey their attitude toward the use of nature and the environment. With myriad possibilities - including computer programs as well as hand drawings and models, which continue to be widely used - and strong competition in the field, there is now a huge variety of visual representations, with agreed-upon rules but also a great deal of freedom. In three large sections, this books sifts through the currently commonplace and available techniques and evaluates them in terms of their informative value and persuasive power, always illustrating its points with analysis of examples from international firms. An introductory look at the development thus far is followed by a systematic presentation of modes of representation in two, three, and four dimensions - in the plane, in space, and in the temporal process. The second section deals with the sequence within the workflow: from the initial sketch through concept and implementation planning all the way to the finished product. The third section deals with the strategic use of visualizations in the context of competitions, future schemes, and large-scale landscape planning. The focus in this section is not on the familiar use of the relevant techniques, but rather on the methods and forms of visual representation in contemporary landscape architecture.