Patent and Design Numbers
Patents and designs are often identified and cited by their numbers, which are composed of three elements:
- Country code
- Serial number
- Publication kind code
For example, in CA 2821077 (A1),
- CA is the country code for Canada
- 2821077 is the serial number
- A1 is the kind code for a published application
Citing Patents and Designs
The format for citing a patent will vary depending on the style guide or journal guidelines. Below are a few examples.
ACS Style
Inventor(s). Title of Patent. Country x,xxx,xxx, Month, day, year.
Santerre, P. J. Fluoroligomer Surface Modifiers for Polymers and Articles Made Therefrom. Canadian Patent 2,228,505 C, November 11, 2007.
IEEE Style
Inventor(s), "Title of patent," Country x,xxx,xxx, Month, day, year.
C. Deguire and L. J. Caron L'Ecuyer, "Portable robotic arm," Canadian Patent Appl. 2,739,727 A1, April 15, 2010.
ISO Style (ISO 690:2010)
Deguire C, Caron L'Ecuyer LJ, inventors; Kinova, assignee. Portable robotic arm. CA patent appl. 2,739,727 A1. 2010 Apr. 15.