Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world are the sources of this information. Full text is currently available for selected areas only. For access to all FBIS reports use the A-Z link for the FBIS Index. All reports are available on microfiche in the Social Sciences Library, 2nd floor Paterno.
A collection of 208 newspapers published in China between 1840-1949
A collection of 208 newspapers published in China between 1840-1949, developed by Beijing Guotu Bookstore of National Library of China. It is keywords (article title and author) searchable and full text display. Full text download is limited to 1000 pages per day.
12 English-language periodicals produced in China.
12 English-language periodicals produced in China. Longer-running publications include the North China Herald (1850-1941), Chinese Repository (1832-1851), Chinese Recorder(1868-1941) and the China Weekly Review (1923-1950). There are also shorter runs of; Canton Times (1919-1920), China Critic (1939-1946), China Monthly Review (1950-1953),China Press (1925-1938), Millard's China National Review (1919-1919), Millard's Review of the Far East (1919-1921), Peking Daily News (1914-1917), Peking Gazette (1915-1917), Peking Leader (1918-1919), Shanghai Gazette (1919-1921), Shanghai Times (1914-1921), and Weekly Review (1922-1923). In addition to the article content, the full-image newspapers offer searchable access to advertisements, editorials, cartoons, and ads.
Periodicals from the Shanghai Library containing about 10,000,000 pieces of writing in over 20,000 different kinds of periodicals.
Chinese Periodical Full-text Database Shanghai Library (1833-1949) provides full-text access to Shanghai Library periodical collections published between 1833 and 1949. The Late Qing Periodical Database contains 300 titles and the Republic China Periodical Database contains 25,000 titles. If you are not automatically logged in, please click on login, then IP login (Do not enter user id/password).
A Hong Kong-based English-language newspaper covering news in Hong Kong as well as events in Japan, China and the world.
"Founded in 1903 by Alfred Cunningham and Tse Tsan-tai, a key figure in the Chinese revolt against the last imperial Qing Dynasty at the turn of the 20th century, the newspaper became a platform for advocating the reform movement in China. It is highly regarded by researchers because of the unique history of Hong Kong as well as the newspaper’s editorial perspective on Imperial Japan and Communist China."
An open access collection of newspapers covering Chinese life, culture, and politics throughout the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the years of provisional government and civil war, and the birth of the People’s Republic.
The entire run (1902-1949) of the newspaper, including editions published in Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guiling and Hankou. Limited to 2 users at a time.
Dagongbao Newspaper (大公報1902-1949) provides the entire run of the newspaper, including all editions published in Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guiling and Hankou. It is full text searchable, full text readable and pdf downloadable. Limited to 2 concurrent users.
Dagongbao Newspaper (大公報1902-1949) provides the entire run of the newspaper, including all editions published in Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guiling and Hankou. It is full text searchable, full text readable and pdf downloadable. Limited to 2 concurrent users.
Published in Tokyo by Japanese publishers, Japan Times is the oldest English language newspaper in Japan and was for many years the only foreign-language newspaper in Japan. The digital archive includes full-text back to 1897 including title changes over the years; Japan Times and Mail, Japan Times and Advertiser, Japan Advertiser, and Nippon Times.
Includes more than 13 millions items, articles and the advertisements of the paper since its first issue in 1879.
A news retrieval service from Asahi Shinbun. Coverage includes digitized archive - 1999, articles of 1985 - , and English news. Contents cover news from the inaugural issue in 1879 to present. (One concurrent user. Please logout when finished.)
The most influential and authoritative newspaper in China, containing government policy information and resolutions as well as major domestic and international news.
The full run (1872-1949) of Shanghai-based Shen Bao (formerly transliterated as Shun Pao) was the longest-lasting and probably most influential newspaper in modern China. Its history is enmeshed in the major Chinese political and cultural developments of the first half of the twentieth century. Searches are allowed only in traditional (not simplified) Chinese.
More than 11 million articles from The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper since its first issue in 1874. Restricted to three users among five subscribing institutions. Therefore, please logout when finished.
Yomidas Rekishikan (ヨミダス歴史館) is an online database of 11 million articles covering every issue of The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper since its first issue in 1874. Restricted to three users among five subscribing institutions. Therefore, please logout when finished.
"The oldest and most influential English-language newspaper in Korea."
"The oldest and most influential English-language newspaper in Korea, The Korea Times is globally recognized for its coverage of international business, economic and financial news, as well as perspectives on regional issues and events."
One of India's largest numbers, the historical archives documents the Indian independence movements, colonialism and post-colonialism, religion, politics, religion and more.
Hindustan Times reveals the day-to-day news coverage. Full text - PDF: Oct 1, 1924 - Dec 31, 2000, with the following exceptions: Jan 1, 1951 - Dec 31, 1956. ProQuest is in the process of filling in the gaps in coverage.
Established to serve British residents of West India, the Time illuminates key events in Indian history.
The world’s most widely circulated English daily newspaper was founded in 1838 to serve British residents of West India. Today, this historical newspaper serves researchers interested in studying colonialism and post-colonialism, British and world history, class and gender issues, international relations, comparative religion, international economics, terrorism, and more. In its pages, The Times of India illuminates key historical events such as the Sepoy Mutiny, which led to British rule in India; the formation of the Indian National Congress; and the rise of Gandhi’s civil disobedience movement. It captures the 1947 partitioning of India and Pakistan, the war over the Kashmir region, and the creation of Bangladesh. It reports on the assassinations of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi; the Bhopal industrial disaster, which resulted in thousands of deaths; and the rise of Pakistan as a nuclear power.
Features titles published in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in the English, Bengali, and Gujarati languages.
Provides more than 400,000 fully searchable pages of newspapers published in South Asia dating from the 19th century. Features titles published in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in the English, Bengali, and Gujarati languages. The South Asian papers can be searched along with other titles in the World Newspaper Archive.
Around 60 newspapers from across the African continent, published before 1900 and originally archived by the British Library.
Features nearly 60 newspapers from across the African continent, published before 1900 and originally archived by the British Library. Includes news and analysis covering the European exploration of Africa, colonial exploitation, economics, Atlantic trade, the mapping of the continent, early moves towards self-governance, the growth of South Africa and much more.
Over 40 African newspapers published in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Features English- and foreign-language news from Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe and other countries.
Over 100 African Newspapers including the Rand Daily Mail, 1902-1985; more than 40 nineteenth and twentieth-century titles from the collection African Newspapers, 1800-1922; and nearly 60 titles from African Newspapers: The British Library Collection, 1821-1900 . Features English and foreign-language news from Algiers, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe and other countries.
Al-Ahram has long been regarded as Egypt’s most authoritative and influential newspaper, and one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world.
Al-Ahram is one of the longest-running newspapers in the Middle East. It has long been regarded as Egypt’s most authoritative and influential newspaper, and one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world.
An important English language news source published in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Published daily in Johannesburg, The Rand Daily Mail is an important title chronicling South Africa and the African continent in the 20th Century. Published in English, the Rand was a critic of South African government policies during apartheid.
Cross-search historical newspaper collections. British collections include the Times of London Digital Archive, the 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection, the Illustrated London News.
The Gale NewsVault allows researchers to cross-search historical newspaper collections, including the Times Digital Archive, the 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection, 19th Century US Newspapers, and many more. Providing access to over 10 million digitized facsimile pages, Gale NewsVault allows the most effective searching across many newspapers.
'A unique resource for social, cultural and political history.'
The world's first illustrated weekly newspaper. The Digital Archive contains the full run from the initial launch in 1842 to the final issue in 2003. The database has more than one and half million color images providing a vivid pictorial commentary on domestic and world affairs. Searches can be limited to illustrations, or sections such as advertising, news and business, arts and leisure, or people.
London newspapers and pamphlets gathered by antiquarian and printer John Nichols. The collection spans the years 1672 to 1737.
Includes fully searchable images of London newspapers and pamphlets gathered by antiquarian and printer John Nichols. This collection, sourced from the Bodleian Library, spans the years 1672 to 1737 and complements the titles and issues found in 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers.
Independent from the Times of London, the Sunday Times was known for its investigative journalism, commentary and in-depth analysis of the week's news. To search with the Times of London and other historical British news sources use the Gale News Vault database
Researchers can search through the complete digital edition of The Times (London), using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.
Video documenting historical events as well as everyday life in the early twentieth century
"A large collection of newsreels produced by the Topical Film Company and provides a glimpse into the early twentieth century - from everyday interests, such as sport and fashion, to coverage of key events, such as the First World War, the Suffragette Movement, and the establishment of the Irish Free State."
Millions of newspaper pages contributed by partner libraries across Europe. Most are full-text searchable. You can browse available papers by date, language, country and other criteria.
A digital archive of the prominent Spanish-language tabloid, considered to be one of the three Spanish newspapers of record
A digital archive of the prominent Spanish-language tabloid, considered to be one of the three Spanish newspapers of record. Generally regarded as conservative-leaning the paper is noted for its early and frequent use of photography. In addition to covering Spanish, European and international news, ABC published the work of eminent writers and intellectuals with extensive reporting on the arts and Spanish culture.
Includes: Irish Pictorial (1957-1958), The Irish Times (1859-1859), The Irish Times (1874-1920), The Irish Times (1921-Current File), The Irish Times and Daily Advertiser (1859-1874), Pictorial (1955-1957), Times Pictorial (1941-1955), Weekly Irish Times (1876-1920), Weekly Irish Times (1921-1941) .
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Newspapers collected by the British library during the war. Offers a full view of conditions in occupied France.
"La France pendant la guerre 1939-1945: journaux de la Resistance et de VichyThe complete French holdings of the British Library - acquired through intelligence, clandestine and neutral sources - offers as full a view of life in France during World War II as was possible at the time.The British Library holds many resistance titles never acquired by the Bibliothèque Nationale because France was under German occupation. Digitized and full-text searchable, Voices from Wartime France 1939-1945 constitutes the sum of the French press that reached Britain during the German Occupation of France from 1940-44."
Full-text of one of the most important French newspaper of the 20th Century.
"The historical newspaper Le Monde provides students, researchers and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time."
More than 900 local newspapers from over 340 cities and towns—including publications from each of Ukraine’s 27 regions. Most of the titles are in Ukrainian or Russian; with some ethnic newspapers in other languages
Over 140 titles from from 22 countries. Content is in the original language - mostly English, but some Spanish, French, and Danish
Large collection of 18th and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers documenting the colonial history of the region, the Atlantic slave trade, and New World slavery. All content is in page-image format and in its original language (generally English, French, or Spanish).
Mexican and Mexican American publications published in Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico from the mid-1800s to the 1970. Content in English or Spanish, depending upon publication.
Historical newspapers from North, South and Central America. Dates of coverage vary and some papers will be incomplete.
Scanned page images of historical newspapers from North, South and Central America including; Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Dates of coverage vary by country, and some papers will be incomplete. The entire database may be searched at once, or papers can be browsed by country, publication date, language or newspaper title.
Al-Ahram is one of the longest-running newspapers in the Middle East. It has long been regarded as Egypt’s most authoritative and influential newspaper, and one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world
Al-Ahram is one of the longest-running newspapers in the Middle East. It has long been regarded as Egypt’s most authoritative and influential newspaper, and one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world.
A leading English-language daily newspaper covering Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World
"This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time."
An open access collection of newspapers from various countries. Titles are from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Historical newspapers from the region including titles from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, and Syria. Content is predominantly in Arabic, with some titles in English and French. The collection comprises mostly out-of-copyright, older issues.
The official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
Pravda ("Truth") was the official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1918 and 1991. Founded in 1912 in St. Petersburg, Pravda originated as an underground daily workers’ newspaper, and it soon became the main newspaper of the revolutionary wing of the Russian socialist movement. Throughout the Soviet era, party members were obligated to read Pravda. Today, Pravda still remains the official organ of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, an important political faction in contemporary Russian politics.
Full-text files of over 30 of the Russian newspapers are accessible online for browsing, searching and analyzing. Includes some English language papers. For more recent content, as well as other Russian newspaper titles, please use Factiva.
Out-of-copyright newspapers from the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, up to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The collection’s core titles are from Moscow and St. Petersburg, complemented by regional newspapers across the Russian Empire