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Educational Leadership, Policy, and Principalship

Links to library resources for Education Public Policy, Educational Leadership, and Principal Certification programs. Also helpful for educational administration, law, politics, reform, and related topics.

Educational Leadership, Policy, and Principalship Search Tips

Use each database's thesaurus or subject headings list to identify the best wording for your topic. For example, ERIC uses:

  • Educational Administration (NOT "educational management")
  • Educational Change (NOT "educational reform")
  • Standardized Tests, or High Stakes Tests (NOT "PSSA")

If you are using ERIC to find articles about U.S. contexts, do not add "American," "United States," "US," or "USA" to your search. Geography is not indexed in ERIC, and most authors do not use those words in their titles or abstracts. Instead, consider using ERIC's "language" option to limit to English. Also, read each article's abstract carefully for information about the location of the study. 

Need to find empirical articles? Below is a guide that tells you what they are and how to find them:

Using ProQuest Databases (including ERIC and PsycINFO)

Using EBSCO databases (including Business Source Premier)

Using Penn State and General Search Tools