For medical, health, or biomechanical aspects of kinesiology, e.g. blood pressure, blood sugar, exercise therapy, muscle function, etc.
PubMed is a web interface that allows you to search MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine's premier database of citations and abstracts for biomedical research articles. The core subject is medicine, but subject coverage also includes bioethics, biology, chemistry, dentistry, environmental health, genetics, gerontology, health care planning and administration, history of medicine, hospital administration, microbiology, nutrition, nursing (International Nursing Index), physiology, pre-clinical sciences, public health, sports medicine, veterinary medicine and zoology. MEDLINE covers over 4,800 journals published in the United States and 70 other countries. The database contains over 15 million citations dating back to 1950. Coverage is worldwide and updated weekly. Learn more about PubMed at: or Try the Tutorial at:
Covers all aspects of biology, with emphasis on molecular biology, genetics, and microbiology.
Biological Abstracts is the premier database for the biological sciences. BA monitors more than 5,000 international journals to ensure that virtually every life science topic is covered, including agriculture, biochemistry, biology, botany, molecular biology, biotechnology, physiology, microbiology, neurology, pharmacology, public health, toxicology, zoology, and ecology and the environment. Coverage is from 1926 to date.
Best source for literature on sport, physical fitness, and physical education topics.
SPORTDiscus is the premier source of literature for sports and sports medicine journals, providing full-text content from many well-known and respected sources. Topics covered include coaching, exercise science, fitness, health education, kinesiology, nutrition, physical education, physical therapy, and sports sciences, as well as clinical specialties such as orthopedics. The database includes research, trade, and popular materials, from scholarly journals such as the American Journal of Health Promotion to magazines like Basketball Digest and Sports Illustrated. Most date from 2000 or later. More than 600 of the periodicals covered in SPORTDiscus are available as embedded full-text within SPORTDiscus; others may be found through GETIT or requested via ILLiad.
For psychological aspects of kinesiology, e.g. attitudes, feelings, emotions, etc.
PsycINFO provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. Unrivaled in its depth of psychological coverage and respected worldwide for its high quality, the database is enriched with literature from an array of disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. Nearly all records contain nonevaluative summaries, and all records from 1967 to the present are indexed using the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.
Articles on historical and cultural issues
- Sample search: college football AND (race OR ethnicity)
Search for articles on all aspects of the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Articles from national, state and local historical journals are covered, as well as historical articles in major humanities and social science journals. Also includes citations to reviews, books, and dissertations. Keywords: African-American, Afro-American, Black, Hispanic, Latino, Colonial, Pennsylvania, Native Americans, women, gender, revolution, revolutionary war, civil war, Vietnam War, Cold War, World War I, World War II, Immigration, Immigrants, labor, agriculture, culture, society, politics, religion, economic, military, historiography.
For literature on cultural issues related to sports.
CSA Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,700 serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers. Records added after 1974 contain in-depth and nonevaluative abstracts of journal articles.
For literature on philosophical aspects of sport, exercise, and movement
The Philosopher's Index is a bibliographic database with informative author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals and books since 1940.
For information on sports management; contains scholarly journals and business magazines.
An essential article database for business research providing the full text for more than 2,000 periodicals, including about 1,000 scholarly journals. Covers virtually all disciplines in business and economics, including: accounting, economics, econometrics, finance, marketing, management, MIS, QMM and supply chain management.
Interdisciplinary Databases (helpful for all topics)
Scholarly journal articles in the sciences, social sciences, arts, & humanities - excellent for interdisciplinary research.
Web of Science provides access to: the Science Citation Index Expanded 1900-present; the Social Sciences Citation Index 1956-present; and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present. Web of Science indexes articles from thousands of journals and also indexes the citations used in those articles, thus allowing the user to see which papers have cited a core paper, and how many times a paper was cited in a given time period. Covers published content is almost every discipline.
Scholarly journal articles and books in all fields.
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Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web. Once you set your institutional preferences, links to full-text, if available at Penn State, should appear.