Adapted from "Reception desk at a tower" via Good Free Photos, CC0/public domain.
The following research guides point to additional journals and databases for research in hospitality management and human resources.
1. Gather relevant sources. Review article abstracts (summaries) to consider how thoroughly an article addresses your case study topic. Collect and organize articles in a dedicated place - an email folder, thumb drive, or in the cloud. This will also help when it is time to cite your sources.
2. Read actively. Take notes when reading online, or print hard copies for highlighting, annotating, or flagging sections with sticky notes. Ask:
3. Say something new. A literature review does more than establish the background of a case - it also identifies a new area for study. Explain how your case study builds on prior work rather than recycling it by identifying the gaps or limitations of prior research. Synthesize information from your sources by summarizing and paraphrasing, and use direct quotation sparingly (if at all!).
4. Meet with the Writing Center. Get expert feedback on your writing and source use. Visit the Writing Center's website to learn more and book an appointment:
5. Cite your sources. Find APA Style formatting guidelines in the APA Quick Guide: