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HDFS 129: Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies

Ray Petren (Penn State Scranton)

1. Select

Choosing & Narrowing Your Topic

  • What human development topic interests you?  Choose a topic that you will enjoy learning, or learning more, about.  After all, you will be spending a lot of time reading scholarly book chapters, academic journal articles, and other research studies for your infographic project.
  • Once you choose a topic, you may need to narrow it down.  If your topic is too broad, it may prove difficult to gather the appropriate research you need because you will be overloaded with too much irrelevant information.
  • With a specific topic in mind, you are ready to start gathering the scholarly information you need to create your infographic.

Reference Sources

Please Note!

Reference works, such as encyclopedias, are excellent sources of background information and indispensable for curious researchers. They are ideal for finding a topic and honing in on a research question.  

However, reference sources are not considered scholarly sources. Therefore, you should not be including any reference sources in your final bibliography.

Instead, use reference sources as they are intended to give you a foundation of information on any topic that you would like to learn more about.