Political, economic, financial, and social data for over 140 countries,
CountryData offers political, economic, financial, and social data for over 140 countries, in most cases back to 1984. CountryData is also the only source for current and historical risk ratings developed from the International Country Risk Guide and Political Risk Services rating systems conducted by PRS Group. Note: the tabs International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) and Political Risk Services (PRS) provide access to information regarding methodology, but do not provide access to the actual products. Access to the CountryData and the Political Risk Yearbook are available through the University Libraries A-Z list.
Direct access to IMF [International Monetary Fund] periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools.
Includes the full range of publicly available IMF data from 5 major datasets: International Financial Statistics (IFS), Government Finance Statistics(GFS), Balance of Payment Statistics (BoPS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS, and Trade and Investment statistics. Also includes data from the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey, Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey, Financial Access Survey, Financial Soundness Indicators, International Reserves Template. Includes long time series. Data can be downloaded.
detailed economic, industrial, trade, and population statistics (monthly or quarterly) from more than 200 countries.
Economic, industrial, trade, and population statistics (monthly or quarterly) from more than 200 countries. Data may be graphed, printed, or downloaded. Compiled by the United Nations.
Click on Statistics in the header for a wide variety of data and statistics that can be downloaded. The best place for development aid data and immigration data.
Full-text book and serial publications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Also includes many of the data sets available from the organization. Open Access as of 7/1/24.
provides commodity trade data for all available countries and areas since 1962.
Comtrade provides detailed import and export statistics in goods and services reported by statistical authorities of close to 200 countries/areas since 1962.
To get access you will need to register with your Penn State access ID email (only an example: abc12@psu.edu). You can also register for unlimited batch, bulk, and API downloads. Getting access to API downloads requires a second registration for an access key. More information can be found in the UN Comtrade user guide.
find social and economic data and statistics from the United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations.
UNSTATS provides data on a wide range of social and economic data series from 30 specialized international intergovernmental agencies including POPIN, World Bank, IMF, UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO. Data can be displayed in HTML or downloaded in Excel or CSV format.
find statistical indicators related to social and economic development. It is organized in six sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. The tables cover 152 economies and 14 country groups - with basic indicators for a further 55 economies.
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. Note: Even though Global Development Finance (GDF) is no longer listed in the WDI database name, all external debt and financial flows data continue to be included in WDI. The GDF publication has been renamed International Debt Statistics (IDS), and has its own separate database with historically archived data.