The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research conducts research on a wide range of development issues, publishing scholarly papers based on their studies.
The UNDP is one of the many UN agencies involved in development work. It publishes many reports and studies including reports related to development projects it funds. Some major access points:
a partnership of over 120 recognized global institutions (affiliates) in over 80 countries that collaborates in the design of customized learning solutions for individuals and organizations working in development.
the World Health Organization is the primary authority within the UN for directing global health initiatives. For more in-depth country information look at the Regional Office information.
With a membership of 34 countries with the largest, most developed economies, the OECD provides a forum for governments to global economic issues. The produce a wide range of policy reports and statistics.
an electronic library with publications and statistical resources published by the OECD.
Full-text books and serial publications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Also includes research reports and policy papers as well as briefs. For statistics and data explore the OECD Data Explorer found in the library databases.