Leadership by Sy OgulnickISBN: 9781630473105
Publication Date: 2015-03-03
If you are a leader or aspire to leadership over others you must read "Leaders, Power & Consequences." It clearly exposes the influences a leader has with people who are close and important to the leader. The leader is the person who holds the true power, that is, "the buck stops with them." It is not underlings who act on behalf of another who dictates their actions. They are not the true power, and no one is long deceived. Where do problems in relationships, trivial or significant, not exist? The answer to resolving the problem is likely found where the power is located. Who are the true leaders, what are their expectations and how well do they communicate with those they lead? And, how well and candidly do those significant to the leader communicate directly back to the leader? This is where trust, safety and respect play a huge role in how the relationship plays out and either grows, mutually, or is destructive, mutually.