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is a bibliographic management program that allows users to organize their references, images and PDFs, and create bibliographies and figure lists.

Find Full Text

Find full text for citations in your EndNote library

Please note that in order for Find Full Text to work, you may need to simultaneously run Global Protect, the Penn State VPN software.  More info on installing and running the VPN is here.

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
  2. Select ISI, DOI, PubMed, OpenURL 
  3. OpenURL Path:
  4. Authenticate with:
  5. Click Apply > OK

Once your preferences are set up, EndNote can find full text for your references via the Penn State Libraries' subscription databases:

  1. Select the reference
  2. Go to References in the menu bar > Find Full Text
  3. EndNote will search for the PDF and attach it to the reference if found