Wide variety of resources for managing research data. Emphasizes on preparing data management plans and focuses on describing, accessing, reusing, archiving, and preserving research data.
Want to be sure your publications are linked to you and not to someone else with a similar name? Many scientific publishers now either require or strongly recommend that their authors have an ORCID id. Registering is fast, easy, and free.
Allows you to measure research productivity and benchmark against other institutions, as well as identify potential research collaborators and trends in your field.
Open Access
In furtherance of its mission of teaching, research, and public service, Penn State has adopted a policy to make their scholarly articles available to the public.
In this guide you will find information about the open access movement. It also includes a list of discounts on open access publishing charges that are available to PSU authors.
Find out information about open access policies/options available from different publishers. Also has information on funder requirements and a "Funders and Authors Compliance Tool."