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Maps & Geospatial: Maps

Detailed information on finding maps at Penn State

APA Style

Important elements:

  • Author's last name, first initial, middle initial. (individual author names or organization)
  • Year: Date of content creation/publication
  • Title of content (italicized)
  • Format [map, dataset, type of dataset] (include in brackets the format type)
  • Publisher (include the publisher of the content) (Publisher may be included in place of author depending whether a specific author is referenced)
  • URL for content


Author. (Year). Title of map [format]. Edition. Scale. No. Place of Publication: Publisher. 

Ashmun, J. (1830). Map of the West Coast of Africa from Sierra Leone to Cape Palmas, including the Colony of Liberia. [map]. Philadelphia: Finley,

Geospatial Data 

Author(s). (Year). Title of the Dataset (version #) [Data set]. Publisher. DOI or URL 

The bracketed [Data set] could also include unpublished raw dataset, or other description of the raw data.  

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. (2021). Pennsylvania county boundaries [Data set]. 

Interactive map application 

Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information. (2017). State College change through time [ArcGIS Online]. 

ArcGIS Online layer 

View the item details for credits (attribution) information. 

Centre County Government GIS Department. (2020). Hydrography [ArcGIS Online Feature Layer].

Chicago Style

Important elements:

  • Author’s last name, first name, middle initial (if given, or person responsible for content)
  • Title of document (in italics) [shorten to meaningful limits]
  • Format (map, chart)
  • Publisher city: publishing company, copyright date
  • Source (From Library of Congress in normal font), Collection name with dates (in italics)
  • Medium (software requirement needed to access source)
  • URL (use bibliographic record URL or shorter digital id if available at bottom of bib record)
  • Accessed date (in parentheses)

Last name, First name Middle initial. Title of Work. Format. City: Publishing Company, copyright date. Source, Collection. Medium, http://..., (accessed date).




Ashmun, Jehudi. Map of the West Coast of Africa from Sierra Leone to Cape Palmas, including the Colony of Liberia. Map. Philadelphia: A. Finley, 1830. From Library of Congress, Map Collections. (accessed January 9, 2006).

MLA Style

Important elements:

  • Author’s last name, first name, middle initial (if given, or person responsible for content) if listed
  • Title of map (underlined or italicized)
  • Descriptive label (e.g., Map, Graph, Photograph)
  • City of publication: Publisher, date of publication (if available)
  • Title of online collection (underlined or italicized)
  • Date of posting or most recent update of collection
  • Name of project or reference database (underlined or italicized)
  • Name of sponsoring institution
  • Date of access and electronic address

Title of map. Descriptive label. City of publication: Publisher, date. Title of Online Collection. Date of posting. Database. Sponsoring institution. Day Month Year of access <electronic address>.




Map of the West Coast of Africa from Sierra Leone to Cape Palmas, including the Colony of Liberia. Map. Philadelphia: Finley, 1830. Map Collections 1500-2004. 3 May 2005. American Memory. Lib. of Congress. 1 Aug. 2005 <>.

Geospatial Data 

Author(s). Title. Publisher, Year, DOI or URL 

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Pennsylvania county boundaries. PASDA, 2021, Accessed 13 April 2021.  

Interactive map application 

Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information. State College change through time. ArcGIS Online, 2017, Accessed 13 April 2021.  

ArcGIS Online layer 

View the item details for credits (attribution) information. 

Centre County Government GIS Department. Hydrography. ArcGIS Online, 2020, Accessed 13 April 2021.   

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