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Psychology (Penn State Berks)

Welcome to the virtual library for students in psychology courses at Penn State Berks.

Finding Scholarly, Empirical Journal Articles in PsycInfo

a screenshot of a video title screen, "How to Find an Empirical Article in PsycINFO  By Kiara Coakley"

Click the image above to watch a video about how to find an empirical article in PsycInfo, as taught by Berks Psychology graduate Kiara S. Coakley.  Or, download the transcript.

Social Science Databases Related to Psychology

Databases are electronic collections of articles.

Please be sure to checkmark the "peer-reviewed" limiter when searching the databases!!

check box between the words "Limit to:" and "peer reviewed"

Bonus: Top Psychology Journals

Google Scholar

To access Google Scholar from off-campus, please follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Google Scholar" link below.

2. Click on the "Settings" link at the top of the screen.

3. Select the "Library Links" icon on the left side of the page.

4. Enter Pennsylvania State University and click on the search icon

5. When "Pennsylvania State University" appears, place a check in the box preceding it and click on SAVE.


Perform some searches, and click the Get it! @ Penn State link to access full text journal articles.

When you find an excellent article, click on the "Cited By" link to find related articles.

Books in LionSearch

Limit to Book / eBook from the Content Type options


Power Search Tip: Many of the books on psychology at Thun Library are in the "BF" and "R" shelves.

a man holding a book and standing between two library book stacks which hold many books