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A guide for locating nursing information resources for nursing education, practice and research.

Information about Nursing Library Instruction Course

The Nursing Library Instruction course was created to assist undergraduate and graduate nursing students in identifying library resources and conducting research. The course contains 5 learning modules with customized lessons. The outline below showcases the lessons in each module. Every module comes with a “check your understanding” quiz. The quizzes allow students to measure what they have learned and repeat lessons if necessary.

This course was created by the Penn State University Libraries Nursing Librarians and will expand to fit the needs of the College of Nursing.

If you have questions or suggestions related to the Nursing Library Instruction Course, please contact your librarian. To join the Nursing Library Instruction Course use the link and self-enroll code below.

Go to the URL:

Self-Enroll Code: 5N2C-SMXY-Q33Z

Students can send a screenshot of their Gradebook to their instructors.

Outline of Course Modules and Lessons

Module 1: Getting Ready for Research

Module 2: Identifying a Scholarly Source

Module 3: Foundational Library Research Strategies

Module 4: Evidence Based Nursing Research and Evidence

Module 5: APA Citations & Research Management