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CED 109N: Gentrification in Everyday Life

Resources for CED 109N/297 StoryMap Project


Below are resources for creating Story Maps, including detailed instructions, vendor instructions and other examples.

You can also email me or the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps & Geospatial Information ( for assistance.

Using the Class Webmap Template (Template CED 109n)

Directly using the Class Webmap Template

  • Enter the CED 109n Gentrification in Everyday Life Class Group
  • Locate Group StoryMap and open StoryMap to edit
  • Click the green plus icon and add map
  • Locate the Class Webmap Template (Template CED 109n) by searching in My Groups. Click on template.

Sample for Adding map to StoryMap

Toggle on and off the particular layer of interest

options for changin Map appearance

Use the top search bar to change the location of the map. 

Search box showing Philadelphia search option

Click Place Map



To review position and/or edit the map, locate the options at the top of the map. 

Alternative: Copying the Class WebMap Template

Have a group member open the class webmap template to their account via the Open in Map Viewer. Modify as desired. Click Save As, and save with a new name. Place the newly created webmap into the group Story Map. Share the copied webmap to the class group and have the same sharing settings as the Story Map. 

Publish StoryMap

In the top right corner click Publish. When publishing ensure related maps and layers are shared at the same level. Share to the class group. Ensure the StoryMap is shared publicly in order to link from a public website. 

The individual who initiates the StoryMap will have the permissions to update the sharing level. 


Sharing StoryMap to a website or portfolio

URL option

Share StoryMap (and related template material) publicly.

Copy the url from the link of the StoryMap.

sample StoryMap url

Embed option

Share StoryMap (and related template material) publicly.

Click the three dots in the top right corner of the published StoryMap. Click Embed this story.

location of Embed option

sample Embed story code