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CSD 269: Deaf Culture

This guide is for students in Penn State Harrisburg's CSD 269: Deaf Culture (Fall 2024). It includes sources, search tips, and other tools needed to complete the research assignment for the course.

ASL in Pennsylvania

Basics of American Sign LanguageThe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania officially recognizes American Sign Language (ASL).  In December 2004, the Pennsylvania State Legislature made American Sign Language a Foreign/World Language.  

According to the PA Department of Education, "American Sign Language (ASL) is identified as a world language in the Public School Code. American Sign Language is a complete and autonomous human language with its own unique grammar and frequently used as a form of visual-spatial communication by the hearing-impaired communities."  See also the PA Department of Education's "Certification Preparation Program Guidelines for American Sign Language (Last Updated, January 2019). 

Image Credit:  Farrah Au-Yeung, Assistant Graphics Editor, The Daily  

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