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CSD 269: Deaf Culture

This guide is for students in Penn State Harrisburg's CSD 269: Deaf Culture (Fall 2024). It includes sources, search tips, and other tools needed to complete the research assignment for the course.

Core Databases

Additional Recommended Databases

Journals and Newspapers

Academic Journals

Publications of ASHA (Amerian Speech-Language-Hearing Association) - Penn State Users Only

  • American Journal of Audiology (AJA)
  • American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (AJSLP)
  • Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSLHR)
  • Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (LSHSS)

Deaf Studies Digital Journal (DSDJ) - Penn State Users Only
World’s first, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the cultural, creative, and critical output of published work in and about sign languages and deaf culture. Unlike other publications, the DSDJ is a bilingual and bimodal publication primarily presented in both American Sign Language and English.

Deafness & Education International:  the Journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf - Penn State Users Only
A quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly research relevant to the education of deaf infants, children, and young people, as well as their linguistic, educational, social, and cognitive development.

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education - Penn State Users Only
A peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that integrates and coordinates research relating to people who are deaf.  Includes cultural, developmental, linguistic, as well as educational topics.

Sign Language Studies - Penn State Users Only
Focuses on signed languages and other related disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, semiotics, and deaf studies, history, and literature.


Historical Journals and Newspapers

American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb (1847-1882) - Penn State Users Only
Focused on quality in education and related services for deaf and hard-of-hearing children as well as adults in 19th-century America.

American Annals of the Deaf (1886-2017) - Penn State Users Only

The Silent Worker (1888-1929)  - Free online via Gallaudet University's Archives
Among the deaf population in the US during the end of the 1890s through the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, The Silent Worker was a popular national newspaper.  Originally known as The Deaf Mute Times, it was first published in February 1888 and subsequently renamed The Silent Worker in September 1888.  The New Jersey School for the Deaf continued its publication on a monthly basis (except in the months of July, August, and September) until it ceased publication in June 1929.  Deaf American authors wrote almost all of the articles, although some contributions by deaf individuals from other countries were printed.