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Maps & Geospatial: Diversity Resources

This guide provides maps and geospatial resources, projects, data, and examples related to diversity themes.

Search Strategies

These links include some sample searches in ArcGIS Online for diversity terms. Searches in ArcGIS Online can be tailored to desired keywords.

Selection of layers

These are a selection of layers within ArcGIS Online to illustrate different types of geospatial diversity layers. Tailor search using key theme of interest to locate additional layers These layers are primarily from the Esri ArcGIS Living Atlas, a curated listing of layers and applications.

Selection of Web Applications

This selection of applications present themes of diversity in the form of web applications that combine narrative, media, video, maps, and additional sources. Tailor search for topics related to research and projects of interest. These applications also represent a range of different types of ArcGIS Online applications available for geospatial projects.