Full-text news sources from around the world. [Penn State Libraries]
This link allows you to limit your search to Nexis Uni’s news collection, without the law and business collections mixed in. If you want to search the entire Nexis Uni collection (including law and business), select the “Nexis Uni” link instead.
Translations of radio and television news broadcasts, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world. Covers 1940s through mid 1990s
Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world are the sources of this information. Full text is currently available for selected areas only. For access to all FBIS reports use the A-Z link for the FBIS Index. All reports are available on microfiche in the Social Sciences Library, 2nd floor Paterno.
Particularly good for news coverage of the early 20th century and the partition of Palestine.
The world's first illustrated weekly newspaper. The Digital Archive contains the full run from the initial launch in 1842 to the final issue in 2003. The database has more than one and half million color images providing a vivid pictorial commentary on domestic and world affairs. Searches can be limited to illustrations, or sections such as advertising, news and business, arts and leisure, or people.
Historical newspapers from the region including titles from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, and Syria. Content is predominantly in Arabic, with some titles in English and French. The collection comprises mostly out-of-copyright, older issues.
Historical newspapers from the region including titles from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, and Syria. Content is predominantly in Arabic, with some titles in English and French. The collection comprises mostly out-of-copyright, older issues.
Digitized images of every issue of the New York Times back to 1851. Useful for looking at events over time. [Penn State Libraries]
Includes a digitized image of every backfile issue of The New York Times from cover to cover, including news stories, editorials, photos, graphics, and advertisements. Searchers can use basic keyword, advanced, guided, and relevancy search techniques to locate information. Or, they can browse through issues page by page, as one would browse a printed edition. Search results lists provide bibliographic information, including date, issue, article headline, page number, and byline (where given). Users may choose to display the full page image of any page in any issue.
This also is particularly useful for coverage of the British Mandate period and partition.
Researchers can search through the complete digital edition of The Times (London), using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.
Picks up where FBIS leaves off. [Penn State Libraries]
World News Connection® (WNC) contains full-text translated summaries from the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports for the following materials: newspaper articles, conference proceedings, radio and television broadcasts, periodicals, and non-classified technical reports