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ESL 015: ESL Composition for American Academic Communication

Library databases and other resources for ESL 015 students at Penn State Harrisburg.


Welcome to Penn State Harrisburg Library's course guide for ESL 15. We've designed this guide to introduce you to the academic research process and to help with your writing assignments.

Click on the buttons on the left to learn about libraries in the U.S. and to see the library's resources.

If you need more help using the library, contact the ESL 15 Librarian, Emily Reed at

"Welcome" in many languages.

Library Vocabulary

Library Vocabulary in English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish
English Arabic Chinese Korean Spanish
Keyword كلمة البحث 关键词 키워드 palabra clave
Search query جملة البحث 检索步骤 검색어 búsqueda computarizada
Title عنوان 书名 서명 título
Database قاعدة البيانات 数据库 데이터베이스 bases de datos
Journal المجلة الأكاديمية 期刊 연속 간행 학술지 revista científica
Peer Reviewed Journal دوريات أكاديمية 同级评审的 논문 심사 학술지 publicación arbitrada
Article مقالة 文章 기사 artículo
Filter / limit تحديد 限借 제한자 operadores de limitación o filtración


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This work is licensed by the Association of College and Research Libraries Instruction Section (2018) under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.