You must select your topic from one of these international conferences, or the special issues of scholarly journals listed in Canvas. Please visit the links below to learn about potential topics.
Your research will begin with a literature review, which is a synthesis of published scholarly work directly related to your topic. A literature review provides a background or foundation to your readers for your topic, establishing a common body of knowledge before moving in your specific research idea.
Use this guide from Sage Research Methods to learn more about literature reviews as a research process -- why and how you should conduct one. This guide is part of a larger research project planning tool that you may want to consult as you work on your paper.
Byrne, D. (2017). Reviewing the literature. Project Planner.
Annotations are short (75-150 words) ORIGINAL (meaning it needs to be your thoughts and words) summaries of each individual article you plan to include in your paper. The annotation should also describe how each article contributes to your research. What is the most important take away? Writing these points down before you start writing your paper will help you think through your outline. Be sure to use APA format.