Information on public companies, U.S. and non-U.S. Also includes the Country Report module. The Investext database (a collection of analyst reports) is also available via MergentOnline.
MergentOnline (formerly FISonline) is a subscription-based service offering information on over 15,000 U.S. public companies and 30,000 non-U.S. public companies. MergentOnline is produced by Mergent, Inc., formerly known as Moody's). Mergent/Moody's is a publisher of detailed business descriptions, corporate histories and financial statements since 1900. The database also includes the Country Report module, a module that consists of the following resources: DnB Country Risk Profile, DnB Country RiskLine Report, and Mergent Country Profile. In addition, the Investext Database is available via Mergent Online.
IBISWorld provides over 700 full-text industry reports, 700 US industry risk rating reports, and information on over 8000 Publicly Traded US Companies as well as hundreds of economic and demographic profiles. Subscription includes access to the US Industry State Reports module.
This collection of reports on products and services includes information on pricing environment, supply chain, purchasing process, and more.
IBISWorld Procurement Research Reports is a database that contains hundreds of reports on products and services. These reports include information on pricing environment, supply chain, purchasing process, and more.
Value Line is the standard investment advisory service. The Web research center provides access to the standard Value Line Investment Survey and to its related resources. For historical Value Line Investment Surveys back to 1997, select "VLIS & SMC - Historical Archives" from the Dashboard.
-Cases range from short vignettes to long narratives.
-Subjects covered include entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, marketing, operations management, and more.
-Many cases include teaching notes and discussion questions.
This collection of case studies covers the following subjects: entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, marketing, operations management, and more.
-This database includes case studies published in business periodicals.
-Use the advanced search feature. Use “case studies” as a subject term; then add a keyword to your search.
An essential article database for business research providing the full text for more than 2,000 periodicals, including about 1,000 scholarly journals. Covers virtually all disciplines in business and economics, including: accounting, economics, econometrics, finance, marketing, management, MIS, QMM and supply chain management.
-Libraries are prohibited from purchasing these case studies. Students and faculty members must buy them directly from the link above. Case studies typically cost $9 to $14 per case.
-A collection of original in-depth reports on timely topics in business and management.
Sage Business Researcher is a collection of original in-depth reports on timely topics in business and management. Reports are published every other week.
-A collection of reports on political and social issues.
-Great for background information and statistics.
The CQ Researcher is a collection of reports covering political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy. Keywords: hot topics, current events, social issues, social trends, archive, English 15, CAS 100, background information, general interest, contemporary issues, overviews. CQ Global Researcher (formerly a stand alone DB) content was merged into CQ Researcher.