Newspaper of the capital city of Pennsylvania, as well as the mid-sized city closest to TMI. Microfilm copies available at the News and Microform Library, University Park.
Use the “date range” and “document type” search options to find articles and editorials written during TMI’s construction and accident.
The oldest continuously published black newspaper, is dedicated to the needs and concerns of the fourth largest black community in the U.S. During the 1930s the paper supported the growth of the United Way, rallied against the riots in Chester, PA, and continuously fought against segregation.
Use the “date range” and “document type” search options to find articles and editorials written during TMI’s construction and accident.
One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the Pittsburgh Courier reached its peak in the 1930s. A conservative voice in the African-American community, the Pittsburgh Courier challenged the misrepresentation of African-Americans in the national media and advocated social reforms to advance the cause of civil rights.
Use the "date range" and "document type" search options to find articles and editorials written during TMI's construction and accident.
Includes a digitized image of every backfile issue of The New York Times from cover to cover, including news stories, editorials, photos, graphics, and advertisements. Searchers can use basic keyword, advanced, guided, and relevancy search techniques to locate information. Or, they can browse through issues page by page, as one would browse a printed edition. Search results lists provide bibliographic information, including date, issue, article headline, page number, and byline (where given). Users may choose to display the full page image of any page in any issue.