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U.S. Government : Legislative Branch

a guide to resources for researching legislative branch (Congressional) publications.


House and Senate reports are the designated class of publications by which congressional committees report and make recommendations to the House or Senate as a whole. These reports concern the findings of committee hearings or the outcome of committee deliberations. They can contain:

  • discussions of legislative intent
  • a short history of a bill
  • comparisons of current and proposed law text



Follows the pattern:

[Chamber abbreviation] Rep. No. [congress number - report number] (year)

H.R. Rep. No. 103-403 (1994) is the citation to the 403rd House Report published during the 103rd Congress in 1994.

S. Rep. No. 103-300 (1994): Senate Report 300 of the 103rd Congress, published in 1994.

You may see the word at plus a number between the report number and year, for example:

S. Rep. No. 103-300 at 23 (1994)

shows that the reference is to page 23 of Senate Report 103-300.
