History and sociology students, as well as persons interested in the status of particular minorities, will welcome this bibliography. The character of its introductory essay and its annotations will make it useful even where there is not ready access to the literature cited.
Brief narrative histories and an annotated bibliography of primary literature, secondary criticism and background sources on Native American, African-American, Chicano/Latino and Asian-American writers.
Volume containing more than 1500 annotated entries on Cuban and Cuban-American women in the 19th and 20th centuries. Includes descriptions of archival resources, monographs, and journal and newspaper articles.
Annotated bibliography of books, monographs, journal articles, dissertations, special issues, government documents, and websites on race and offending, race and victimization, and race and criminal justice system professionals.
Bibliographic citations to published articles, books, documents, theses, dissertations, reports and other materials. Arranged under 87 subject headings.