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Data Analytics and Visualization: Power BI and Big Data Analytics on Cloud (AZURE, AWS, GCP)

We provide workshops, consultations, and guest lectures for using Tableau and Power BI for data visualizations!

Learning Resources

Business Analytics

Download links (MS applications are free to PSU users as part of the Office 365 group license, log in for free download)

Learning resources

Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning

Access to the Cloud Platforms with AI/Machine Learning tools for Nature Language Processing (NLP), Auto Machine Learning, Bot Services, etc. 

Learning Resources

We recommend the official learning resource for these software tools because they are very well designed and allow you to learn in a systematic way. Additional great learning resources include LinkedIn Learning that is free to Penn State users, Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) that offers workshops, software programs, and High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms or join PSU Data Analytics degree programs.  Cloud Services team and ICDS provide research consultations for using different data and analytics tools.