ConnectED: A Penn State York First-Year Experience
The Lee R. Glatfelter Library offers a series of innovative programs each semester, open to everyone, providing Penn State York students meaningful opportunities to connect with other students, faculty, staff, and the community. We were fortunate this year to receive funding from the Penn State York Women's Philanthropic Network to offer a $2,018 award to the first-year student who earns the most points by attending our events and making connections with others!
Please visit the ConnectEd website for up-to-date information about all the events and activities, as well as the points first-year students receive for participating!
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
9:00 p.m. until midnight
Sometimes it's nice to study near other people . . . and not put off everything until the last minute! Catch up or work ahead - either way, join us in the library for hourly breaks and snacks and study until midnight!
Picture Books: Past, Present, Future
12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
Lee R. Glatfelter Library
First-year students earn 50 points for attending!
Please join us in the library to celebrate Picture Book Month with our Picture Book Panel:
Barb Eshbach, Head Librarian
Katie McLaughlin, Adjunct Lecturer in Women's Studies
Carly Matt, First-year student
We'll talk about picture books from our childhood (past), enjoying picture books as adults (present), and writing picture books (future).
Come share your story!
FREE and OPEN to the public:
"Art and Politics: The Case of Corrado Cagli"
Dr. John Champagne, Penn State Laureate
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
12:10-1:15 p.m.
Joe and Rosie Ruhl Student Community Center
Dr. John Champagne will be coming to the Penn State York campus on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. His lecture, "Art and Politics: The Case of Corrado Cagli" will be presented from 12:10 to 1:15 p.m. in the Joe and Rosie Ruhl Student Community Center.
Dr. Champagne uses the contradictory relationship between Italian artist Corrado Cagli and the fascist government to engage us in a discussion of the responsibility of the artist in times of political unrest.
Learn more about Dr. Champagne at
Read, Watch, and Listen
Faculty and staff of the Lee R. Glatfelter Library have developed, in consultation with the Laureate, a list of books and visual material that the community may find interesting and informative context for the talk. Interested community members can borrow the material from the library, where they are on reserve.
Dr. Champagne will speak about the film The Garden of the Finzi-Continis in his talk, so seeing the film in advance may make the presentation a richer experience. Community members are welcome to check the film out of the Lee R. Glatfelter Library and attend a film discussion in the library on Thursday, November 1 from 12:10-1:15 p.m.
STOP IN THE LIBRARY to view a display of artwork and books related to artist Corrado Cagli and to Dr. Champagne's interest in the role of the artist in times of political turmoil.
PREVIEW EVENTS: Open to the Penn State York campus community
In preparation for Dr. Champagne's visit, the campus will be holding several events for faculty, staff, and students.
FILM SCREENING - campus only*
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
Thursday, October 25, 2018
3:15 p.m.
Pullo Family Performing Arts Center, room 114
* Interested members of the community may check the film out of the Lee R. Glatfelter Library
FILM DISCUSSION - open to campus and the community
Join us for an informal discussion of the film The Garden of the Finzi-Continis led by Dr. Jennifer Nesbitt, Associate Professor of English. Dr. Champagne will speak about this film in his talk, so seeing the film in advance may make the presentation a richer experience.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
12:10-1:15 p.m.
Lee R. Glatfelter Library
This introductory workshop, offered several times throughout the semester, covers the following:
The workshop will be held in the library conference room on the following dates: TBD
Registration is required for the workshop - there are only 12 spots available for each session, but we will gladly add more sessions if these fill up.
Sign up here: