For all assignments, we will follow the citation style of Economic Botany, a journal publishing articles relating to the course content. Below are their requirements:
In text citations
Citations are listed “author-year” without a comma. List up to two authors (Jones and Nguyen 2007), but with more authors use et al. (Austin et al. 2010). List multiple citations alphabetically by author name (Anderson 2001; Brown 1999; Huang 2000).
Reference section
References that are cited in the work are listed at the end, in alphabetical order.
Following are referencing style examples:
Quave, C.L. and A. Saitta. 2016. Forty-five years later: The shifting dynamic of traditional ecological knowledge on Pantelleria Island, Italy. Economic Botany 70(4): 1-14.
Balée, W. 2013. Cultural forests of the Amazon: A historical ecology of people and their landscapes. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press.
Andel, T., S. Ruysschaert, K. Van de Putte, and S. Groenendijk. 2013. What makes a plant magical? Symbolism and sacred herbs in Afro-Surinamese Winti rituals. In: African ethnobotany in the Americas, eds. R. Voeks, and J. Rashford, 247–284. New York: Springer.
For other referencing issues, consult a recent issue of Economic Botany.