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Maps & Geospatial: Open Source Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

This guide provides an introduction to open source GIS packages, which are free to use on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

Open Source GIS Comparisons

Questions to consider when evaluating open source GIS tools:

  • How does the interface for the open source GIS software compare to other GIS software?
  • Does the open source GIS software include the GIS operation I am interested in performing?
  • Does the documentation and supporting materials available provide relevant examples similar to the GIS tasks I am interested in performing?
  • Are others in my field using this open source GIS software with ease? Are there challenges and limitations to consider regarding the use of a chosen open source GIS software?
  • Does the open source GIS software exist in the desired language?
  • Does the open source GIS software support file formats I’m working with?
  • What output options exists in the open source GIS software to graphically represent findings and final products?