[Gale Primary Sources] A collection of more than 75,000 documents, consisting of more than 465,000 pages, that covers post-WWII to the late 1970s. [Penn State Libraries]
The Declassified Documents Reference System provides online access to over 500,000 pages of previously classified government documents. Covering major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and beyond, this single source enables users to locate key information underpinning studies in international relations, American studies, United States foreign and domestic policy studies, journalism and more.
[ProQuest] The Digital National Security Archive contains the most comprehensive set of declassified government documents available. The resource now includes 33 collections consisting of over 80,000 documents. Collections include:Terrorism, Presidential Directives, the Kissinger transcripts, and more.
DNSA is a full-text, online resource providing coverage of more than 150,000 curated primary source documents culled from the collections of the National Security Archive. There are 63 complete collections such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, death squads in Guatemala, US relations with Iran and Iraq, Afghanistan, and terrorism policy.
Use to search all types of congressional documents: hearings, reports, the Congressional Record, CRS Reports, and more.
Congressional provides access to the best web resources for congressional and legislative information. This includes services available to Penn State Users only, such as Congressional Universe (1789-to date) as well as other free services that provide similar or related information such as Thomas (1993-to date) and GPO Access (1993-to date). The Guided Tour provides a step-by-step approach to congressional and legislative information for users who have never done research of this type before. Updates:Continuous