Lionsearch can be used to locate books (print and electronic) owned by the Libraries. It is particularly adept at locating chapters in books.
Browsing the shelves, either in person or by a call number search in the CAT can be a useful way to explore the literature on political theory. Below is a list of call number that would be relevant.
Or, if you find a book on your topic in the CAT use the "Nearby Items on the shelf" link to see other titles on the same subject.
Call number JA Political Science (General)
JA 71 80 Theory. Relations to other subjects
Call number JC
JC11‑605 Political theory. The state. Theories of the state
JC47 Oriental state
JC49 Islamic state
JC51‑93 Ancient state
JC109‑121 Medieval state
JC131‑273 Modern state
JC177‑178 Thomas Paine
JC311‑314 Nationalism. Nation state
JC319‑323 Political geography
JC327 Sovereignty
JC328.2 Consensus. Consent of the governed
JC328.6‑.65 Violence. Political violence
JC329 Patriotism
JC345‑347 Symbolism
JC348‑497 Forms of the state
JC571‑605 Purpose, functions, and relations of the state
Call Number JZ International relations
JZ1305‑2060 Scope of international relations. Political theory.
Call number B Philosophy
B1-5802 Philosophy (General)
B69-99 General works
B108-5802 By period. Including individual philosophers and schools of philosophy
B108-708 Ancient
B720-765 Medieval
B770-785 Renaissance
B790-5802 Modern
B808-849 Special topics and schools of philosophy
B850-5739 By region or country
B5800-5802 By religion
BJ Ethics
BJ71-1185 History and general works Including individual ethical philosophers
BJ1188-1295 Religious ethics
BJ1298-1335 Evolutionary and genetic ethics
BJ1365-1385 Positivist ethics
BJ1388 Socialist ethics
BJ1390-1390.5 Communist ethics
BJ1392 Totalitarian ethics
BJ1395 Feminist ethics
BJ1518-1697 Individual ethics. Character. Virtue Including practical and applied ethics, conduct of life, vices,
success, ethics for children
BJ1725 Ethics of social groups, classes, etc. Professional ethics B