Full-text of three Civil War newspapers and early 19th Century African-American newspapers.
A selection of American newspapers with a focus on African-American newspapers, Women's rights, Pennsylvania, and the Civil War. Titles span the colonial period to the early twentieth century.
The bulk of the content is from the late 19th century onwards with a handful of titles from the Civil War and reconstruction eras.
Beginning with the Freedom's Journal (NY)--the first African American newspaper published in the United States--this database includes page reproductions of African American newspapers from every region of the United States.
Full-text of hundreds of papers from all regions of the United States.
Readex's Early American Newspapers (1690-1922) is a unique, web-based archive of Americana that provides a fascinating glimpse into our nation's past. The Early American Newspaper Collection will feature the images and full-text content from scores of historical publications.
Over 7,000 full-text magazines including many rare and unique titles from the American Antiquarian Society.
Over 7,000 full-text magazines including many rare and unique titles from the American Antiquarian Society. Most are American magazines with a few Canadian and British Empire titles. Contains early publications in many subjects; religion, medicine, science and technology, agriculture, music, art, education, and business as well as publications focusing on children, women, Native Americans and African-Americans.
Full-text of American magazines and journals that originated between 1741 and 1900.
Search a selection of periodicals that first began publishing between 1740 and 1900, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines, and many other historically-significant periodicals. Contains full-text of American magazines and journals that originated between 1741 and 1900. Digitized page images reproduce the publications as they appeared when originally published.
Full-text of back issues, does not include the most recent years.
Includes a digitized image of issues of The Chicago Tribune from 1849-2011: news stories, editorials, photos, graphics, and advertisements. Searchers can use basic keyword, advanced, guided, and relevancy search techniques to locate information. Or, they can browse through issues page by page, as one would browse a printed edition. Search results lists provide bibliographic information, including date, issue, article headline, page number, and byline (where given). Users may choose to display the full page image of any page in any issue.
Newspapers from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, and Alabama from 1861-1865. Some states have only scattered issues available - check the holdings statement on the front page to confirm dates of coverage.
A collection of newspapers from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, and Alabama ranging from 1861-1865. Some states have only scattered issues available - check the holdings statement on the front page to confirm dates of coverage.
An important source, noted for its many illustrations of the war.
Harper's Weekly is a leading 19th Century illustrated magazine, covering political, military, social, and cultural stories. It contains many images by noted artists such as Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, and Mathew Brady. In addition, over 30,000 advertisements, categorized by topic and advertiser, are included. Literature in the database is searchable by title, author and literary genre. HarpWeek may be browsed by date or literary genre and the full text is searchable by keywords. Penn State access includes the The Civil War Era 1857 - 1871, Reconstruction, 1872 - 1877 and the Gilded Age, 1878 - 1912.
Full-text of all the back issues of the NY Times. Does not include the most recent years.
Includes a digitized image of every backfile issue of The New York Times from cover to cover, including news stories, editorials, photos, graphics, and advertisements. Searchers can use basic keyword, advanced, guided, and relevancy search techniques to locate information. Or, they can browse through issues page by page, as one would browse a printed edition. Search results lists provide bibliographic information, including date, issue, article headline, page number, and byline (where given). Users may choose to display the full page image of any page in any issue.
Full-text database containing digital facsimile images of newspapers; presented as full page layout as well as single articles; advertisements and illustrations included. This collection includes numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S.
A free digital collection of newspapers from February 1831 to February 1877.
Provides access to a selection of Pennsylvania newspapers published during the critical years before, during, and after the U.S. Civil War. The dates of coverage vary by the paper. Some publications go back to the late 1840's, others extend beyond the Civil War into the early Reconstruction years. The digital reproductions include all words, photographs, and advertisements as well as an exact page image of the newspaper. For readers who prefer to see the newspapers intact, each issue can be browsed by date. In addition to national issues such as war, abolition, and slavery, readers will find many articles documenting political and social life on the home front. These include topics such as recreational and social events, sports, prose, and local business and economic news.
How others saw the War: International News sources
to discover what newspapers we have in our collection by time period, country, or language.
The University Libraries provide access to many newspaper titles in print, electronic, and microfilm formats. Use NewsFinder to locate newspapers in any format and location within the University Libraries collections.
Not everything is Online!
The Penn State Libraries have original or microfilmed magazines and newspapers from the Civil War era.
to locate newspapers by time period, region, or format
The University Libraries provide access to many newspaper titles in print, electronic, and microfilm formats. Use NewsFinder to locate newspapers in any format and location within the University Libraries collections.