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MUSIC 9: Introduction to World Musics (Abington)

This is a course research guide for MUSIC 9.

Choosing Sources

When selecting your sources, consider the following:

  • Is it too general? A one-paragraph encyclopedia entry might not give enough information for a college-level project. You'll need to look for more.
  • Is it too specific? Maybe you're looking for some background information on the history of music in one country. A book focusing exclusively on one composer from the 1920s in that country will be too specific to your needs.
  • Is it relevant? After going down a research rabbit-hole, sometimes you lose track of what information you really need. Double-check to make sure your source answers the questions you need it to answer.
  • Is it credible? See below for more information on evaluating source credibility.

Evaluating Sources

Think critically about web sites and print resources.  

  • AuthorityWho is the author or creator?  What are their credentials for this topic?
  • Content: What is the author's bias? Who was the information written for?
  • CurrencyWhat is the publication date?  When was the website last updated? Does this matter for your topic?
  • ValidityIs the information accurate or valid?  Are there references to other works that support the information?
  • Publisher: Do they have a good reputation?