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APLNG 210 The Ecology of Global English

This is a course research guide for APLNG 210.

Search Strategies: Books

The Penn State Libraries have many books, both physical and online, related to the topic of Global Englishes. To access them, go to the libraries' catalog and try your search. Here are some recommended strategies:

  • Try a keyword search for '"English language" [country/region]'
    • This will search the titles and descriptions of books for the words you included. It will get you the most results.
  • Try a subject search for '"English language" [country/region]'
    • This will search the subject headings (content markers that are similar to tags on social media) for the words you included. It will get you fewer results, but they are often more accurate than keyword searches.
    • To perform a subject search, change the dropdown from "Keyword" to "Subject" (see image below)
    • Include quotation marks around "English language" to ensure the search retrieves the complete phrase