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Games Collection at Brandywine

This guide provides information to help users enjoy the diverse collection of games at Brandywine.


There are many games you can play with a deck of cards, such as Go Fish or Rummy. However, there is a wide world of creative games with their own special decks. Some of them have additional game pieces, and others solely cards.

In Our Collection

Search Tips: In the catalog, select genre = card games or subject = card games and campus = Brandywine


Steve Jackson is the creator of Munchkin, a series of humorous fantasy-inspired card games. We have a couple of options in our collection:

Munchkin Shakespeare deluxe

Star Munchkin deluxe

Munchkin bites


Other card games in our collection include:

Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Cards for the Masses

Century Spice Road

Coup: The Dystopian Universe


Exploding Kittens

Fantasy Realms


Smash Up
