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Kinesiology at Berks

For Penn State Berks Kinesiology Courses

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The above databases may be sufficient for your needs, but if not, you may also wish to try the following:

Search Tips

Finding the best articles on your topic requires these steps:

  • Select an appropriate database.
  • Enter and combine terms appropriate to your topic
  • Scan the best items on the results list and look for new subject terms or keywords. Then revise your search using these new terms.
  • Save the journal title, volume, date, and page numbers.  This is all part of the "citation". 
  • Explore other databases and subject terms (which vary between databases) for more information.
  • Look for "Cited by" and "Similar Articles" options within the databases to easily & quickly discover additional related sources!

 How to Read & Use Scholarly Scientific Articles

Primary scientific articles can be difficult to read and understand.  As burgeoning scholars it is vital that you develop reading strategies early on to help you use scientific literature. Click on the links below to learn the common structure of scientific articles and how to navigate them for efficiency and comprehension.

Primary research versus review articles - how to tell the difference?

Differentiating between original primary research articles and review articles can be a bit tricky.  Both types of articles are considered "scholarly" and appear in peer reviewed journals.  However, it is an essential skill in the sciences to be able to differentiate between the two types of articles.  Below is information to assist you in determining what type of article you are viewing.  




Research Article                                                                                                                   

Author(s) present new set of findings from original research after conducting an original experiment.

Typically contains the following distinct sections:

  • Methods (possibly the variation Methods & Materials)
  • Results (including charts, graphs, and statistical tables)
  • Discussion
Ozasa, N., Morimoto, T., Bao, B., Shioi, T., & Kimura, T. (2012). Effects of machine-assisted cycling on exercise capacity and endothelial function in elderly patients with heart failure. Circulation Journal, 76(8), 1889-1894.

Review Article

Author(s) analyze and summarize existing research.

Often focus on a general topic and brings together all relevant, useful articles on that topic in one article.

Do not contain sections such as Methods or Results because they did not conduct original research.

References within a review article can help you locate primary research articles on a topic!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Sharma, S., Merghani, A., & Mont, L. (2015). Exercise and the heart: The good, the bad, and the ugly. European Heart Journal, 36(23), 1445-1453.

Get the Full Text

Once you find the citation, try the Get It!   button to see if Penn State has the electronic version of the article you need. If the electronic version is available, you should get right to it. If the article is not available electronically, use the Request via InterLibrary Loan (ILL) button to request it from another library.  ILL will get a copy of the article for you, typically at no cost; articles usually arrive within a week, often in as few as 2-3 days. Watch your PSU email for notification and further instructions. You can also click on the Search the library catalog for this item (by title) link to automatically search our catalog and see if Penn State has a print copy.