Augmented Innovation (AI) is the application of artificial intelligence to innovation and entrepreneurship.
In this workshop, we will
Using the words from your original pitch cards, prompt the GenAI to develop a product or service, slogan, and 20-second pitch. What does it come up with?
de Bono's Six Thinking Hats is a structured evaluation technique. You can use the Six Thinking Hats to 'test' a product for FREE, even prior to prototyping. The Six Thinking Hats will give you ideas on what might need to be tweaked about your product design, where you need to do more research, or what potential risks and pitfalls you should plan for.
Prompt generative AI to evaluate one of your product / service innovations using the de Bono's Six Thinking Hats framework. Is the feedback useful? Does the AI highlight something new? What does the AI miss in its evaluation?
White Hat: neutral and objective, concerned with facts and figures. What do I know? What do I need to find out?
Red Hat: a 'gut reaction' from the emotional perspective. How do I feel about this idea?
Black Hat: careful and cautious, the "devil's advocate" hat. What could do wrong?
Yellow Hat: sunny and positive. What works?
Green Hat: associated with fertile growth, creativity, and new ideas. What's new?
Blue Hat: the logistician or 'meta' hat. What should we do next?
Example of de Bono's Six Thinking Hats for the product innovation: green driveways.
Six Thinking Hats image credit: Persimmon Group.