Access any volume.
Use the Search Within Publication search box to search for your location (example: Nairobi Kenya)
Includes CITY INFORMATION: population, economy, water information. START HERE as this is the single most useful source and may have several pieces of information you need!
Use the menu to generate country reports and statistics from the World Bank.
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. Note: Even though Global Development Finance (GDF) is no longer listed in the WDI database name, all external debt and financial flows data continue to be included in WDI. The GDF publication has been renamed International Debt Statistics (IDS), and has its own separate database with historically archived data.
Generate a statistical country profile, including economic data.
UNSTATS provides data on a wide range of social and economic data series from 30 specialized international intergovernmental agencies including POPIN, World Bank, IMF, UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO. Data can be displayed in HTML or downloaded in Excel or CSV format.
Use the Browse by Theme and Country menu to generate Economics-themed reports by country.
Full-text books and serial publications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Also includes research reports and policy papers as well as briefs. For statistics and data explore the OECD Data Explorer found in the library databases.
Brief, up-to-date country information.
Includes demographic, economic, and political analysis, and current country map and regional map, useful for comparison to resource maps without city locations.
Sample search: Nairobi Kenya site:ke
Locate official websites within a country's top-level domain (TLD).
Identify a country's TLD: List of Internet top-level domains
Additional country research sources are provided in the Country Information and Data Sources research guide: