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OT 100S: Structural Foundations of Occupational Therapy

Penn State Berks Structural Foundations of Occupational Therapy Seminar - Kresse


Note: Citations with more than one line of text should have a hanging indent of 1/2 inch or 5 spaces.

Important Elements:

  • Author (last name, initials only for first & middle names)
  • Publication date
  • Title (in italics; capitalize only the first word of title and subtitle, and proper nouns)
  • Place of publication
  • Publisher
  • For books retrieved online, include URL

Print book:

Goodpaster, K. E., Nash, L. L., & de Bettignies, H. (2006). Business ethics: Policies and persons (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Book by a group author:

American Medical Association. (2004). American Medical Association family medical guide (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Article or chapter within an edited book:

Winne, P. H. (2001). Self-regulated learning viewed from models of information processing. In B.J. Zimmerman & D.H. Schunk (Eds.), Self-regulated learning and academic achievement (2nd ed., pp. 160-192). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Tolstoy, L. (2006). War and peace. (A. Briggs, Trans.). New York, NY: Viking. (Original work published 1865).

Electronic book:

Post, E. (1923). Etiquette in society, in business, in politics, and at home. New York, NY: Funk & Wagnalls. Retrieved from

Entry in an online reference work:

Rey, G. (2006). Behaviorism. In D. M. Borchert (Ed.), Encyclopedia of philosophy. (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

E-Reader book (such as Kindle):

Tetlock, P.E., & Gardner, D. (2015). Superforecasting: The art and science of prediction [Kindle Paperwhite version]. Retrieved from

Dictionary entry:

Hipster. (n.d.) In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved from