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EE 594: Research Projects (World Campus)

Links to databases and other resources for electrical engineering thesis papers. Includes resources for ethics, copyright, citation, and other ethical concerns.


Welcome to the library guide for EE 594, offered through World Campus. My name is Andrea Pritt and I am your personal librarian for this course.

World Campus students have access to the same library resources as on-campus students. For example, you can request books, download journal articles, use interlibrary loan, and request help with research questions.

I've designed this guide to help with your thesis project.  Click on the buttons on the left to see the library's resources for specific parts of your thesis.

If you need additional help using the library, e-mail me at If you need immediate assistance and I am not available, please use the "Ask a Librarian" service available from any Penn State library's web page.

Open Educational Resources for Engineers

The American Society for Engineering Education's (ASEE) Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) recently created a wonderful guide for Open Educational Resources (OER) for a wide variety of engineering disciplines. If you are looking for additional resources, free of cost and openly available, please review ASEE's ELD resource page at this link.